Cette consultation a eu lieu :
du 17 octobre 2022
au 1 décembre 2022
Résumé de la décision
A Certificate of Property Use was issued to 5013492 Ontario Inc. for the property located at 50 Riverside Road, Simcoe.
Détails de l'emplacement
Adresse du site
50 Riverside Road
N3Y 2N6
Détails de l'emplacement du site
Lot 5 Plan 279 except Part 1 37R1310, Part 1 37R9098; Norfolk County. All of PIN 50189-0059 (LT).
Carte de l'emplacement du site
L'épingle de localisation correspond à la zone approximative où a lieu l’activité environnementale.
Afficher cet emplacement sur une carte opens link in a new windowPromoteur(s)
5013492 Ontario Inc.
97 Brock Street East
N4G 2A1
Détails de la décision
Certificate of Property Use (CPU) No. 3411-CBAPUW was issued to 5013492 Ontario Inc. on December 12, 2022.
The CPU requires the instrument holder to ensure that the following key risk management measures are undertaken:
- barriers to site soils, including a fill cap or hard cap
- barrier inspection and maintenance program
- a restriction on the construction of wells for potable water supplies
- a soil and groundwater management plan
- implementation of a ‘building restriction area’ in the southern portion of the site to prevent the construction of new buildings in the area.
No changes were made by the director prior to finalizing the Certificate of Property Use and a copy is attached to this notice.
Documents justificatifs
Consulter les documents en personne
Certains documents justificatifs peuvent ne pas être accessibles en ligne. Si tel est le cas, vous pouvez demander à consulter les documents en personne.
Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.
119 King Street West
Floor 9
L8P 4Y7
How to Appeal
Cet avis de décision peut être porté en appel. Vous avez jusqu’à 15 jours à partir du 13 décembre 2022 pour entamer le processus d’appel.
Veuillez lire les renseignements suivants attentivement pour en savoir plus sur le processus d’appel.
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Start the process to appeal
If you’re an Ontario resident, you can start the process to appeal this instrument decision.
First, you’ll need to seek leave (i.e. get permission) from the relevant appellate body to appeal the decision.
If the appellate body grants leave, the appeal itself will follow.
Seek leave to appeal
To seek leave to appeal, you need to do these three things:
- prepare your application
- provide notice to the minister
- mail your application to three parties
1. Prepare your application
You’ll need to prepare an application. You may wish to include the following things in your application:
- A document that includes:
- your name, phone number, fax number (if any), and/or email address
- the ERO number and ministry reference number (located on this page)
- a statement about whether you are a resident in Ontario
- your interest in the decision, and any facts you want taken into account in deciding whether you have an interest in the decision
- the parts of the instrument that you’re challenging
- whether the decision could result in significant harm to the environment
- the reason(s) why you believe that no reasonable person – having regard to the relevant law and to any government policies developed to guide decisions of that kind – could have made the decision
- the grounds (facts) you’ll be using to appeal
- the outcome you’d like to see
- A copy of the instrument (approval, permit, order) that you you are seeking leave to appeal. You’ll find this in the decision notice on the Environmental Registry
- Copies of all supporting documents, facts and evidence that you’ll be using to appeal
What is considered
The appeal body will consider the following two questions in deciding whether to grant you leave to appeal:
- is there is good reason to believe that no reasonable person, with respect to the relevant law and to any government policies developed to guide decisions of that kind, could have made the decision?
- could the decision you wish to appeal result in significant harm to the environment?
2. Provide your notice
You’ll need to provide notice to the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks that you’re seeking leave to appeal.
In your notice, please include a brief description of the:
- decision that you wish to appeal
- grounds for granting leave to appeal
You can provide notice by email at minister.mecp@ontario.ca or by mail at:
College Park 5th Floor, 777 Bay St.
Toronto, ON
M7A 2J3
3. Mail your application
You’ll need to mail your application that you prepared in step #1 to each of these three parties:
- appellate body
- issuing authority (the ministry official who issued the instrument)
- proponent (the company or individual to whom the instrument was issued)
5013492 Ontario Inc.
97 Brock Street East
N4G 2A1
Registrar, Ontario Land Tribunal
655 Bay Street, Suite 1500
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1E5
(416) 212-6349
(866) 448-2248
Inclure les éléments suivants:
Il ne s'agit pas d'un avis juridique. Veuillez vous reporter à la Charte des droits environnementaux de 1993 pour connaître les exigences exactes prévues par la loi. Consultez un avocat si vous avez besoin d'aide avec le processus d'appel.
Communiquer avec nous
Heather Arrell
119 King Street West
Floor 9
L8P 4Y7
Proposition initiale
Détails de la proposition
A risk assessment was undertaken for this property:
- to establish the risks that the contaminants identified in the risk assessment may pose to future users
- to identify appropriate risk management measures to be implemented to ensure that the property is suitable for the intended use of Residential, Parkland, Institutional land use as defined by O. Reg. 153/04(the "Regulation"), as amended, made under the Environmental Protection Act (the "Act")
The ministry’s review of the risk assessment involved the following reports, documents and information /correspondence:
- 50 Riverside Road, Simcoe, Ontario, risk assessment, prepared by MTE Consultants, dated March 5, 2021; and
- 50 Riverside Road, Simcoe, Ontario, revised risk assessment, prepared by MTE Consultants, dated August 6, 2021;
Based on the documents provided to the ministry as part of the risk assessment report, the reviewers can confirm that the risk assessment has been conducted in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act (the act), Ontario Regulation 153/04 (the regulation), and the associated guidance documents.
The director provided the proponent with written notice of the director’s decision to accept the risk assessment No. 5105-BSDHZA relating to the property in accordance with s.168.5 of the act on December 16, 2021.
The director is considering issuing a Certificate of Property Use (CPU) in relation to the property. The CPU incorporates the risk management measures proposed in the risk assessment and any additional conditions proposed by the director.
The proposed risk management measures include:
- barriers to site soils, including a fill cap or hard cap
- barrier inspection and maintenance program
- a restriction on the construction of wells for potable water supplies
- a soil and groundwater management plan
- implementation of a ‘building restriction area’ in the southern portion of the Site to prevent the construction of new buildings in the area.
The proposed Certificate of Property Use (CPU) No. 3411-CBAPUW is provided as a link under the supporting materials section of this notice.
Documents justificatifs
Consulter les documents en personne
Certains documents justificatifs peuvent ne pas être accessibles en ligne. Si tel est le cas, vous pouvez demander à consulter les documents en personne.
Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.
119 King Street West
Floor 9
L8P 4Y7
La consultation est maintenant terminée.
Cette consultation a eu lieu 17 octobre 2022
au 1 décembre 2022
Communiquer avec nous
Heather Arrell
119 King Street West
Floor 9
L8P 4Y7
Commentaires reçus
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