Cette consultation a eu lieu :
du 8 septembre 2022
au 8 octobre 2022
Résumé de la décision
A decision was made on July 7, 2023 to approve Official Plan Amendment No. 3 (OPA 3) to the Official Plan for the County of Middlesex with 17 modifications. The official plan amendment, as modified, is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and conforms with provincial plans.
Détails de l'emplacement
Adresse du site
All lands within the County of Middlesex.
Détails de l'emplacement du site
Official Plan Amendment 3 applies to all lands within the County of Middlesex.
Carte de l'emplacement du site
L'épingle de localisation correspond à la zone approximative où a lieu l’activité environnementale.
Afficher cet emplacement sur une carte opens link in a new windowPromoteur(s)
County of Middlesex
399 Ridout Street North
Détails de la décision
Official Plan Amendment No. 3 for the County of Middlesex, adopted on July 19, 2022 by By-law No. 7182, was approved as modified on July 7, 2023. Seventeen (17) modifications were required to ensure that the Official Plan Amendment has regard for provincial interests as set out in Section 2 of the Planning Act and to ensure consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 (PPS). Official Plan Amendment No.3 provides appropriate local policy direction for growth management, the management and protection of agricultural areas, water resources, natural heritage features and areas, and cultural heritage and archaeological resources. Official Plan Amendment No. 3 also includes policies to guide waste management, transportation, as well managing the risks associated with various natural hazards.
Of the seventeen (17) modifications, the following four (4) are specifically related to the environment.
Modification No. 1 ensures consistency with PPS policy 1.2.2 by directing that the Indigenous community is to be engaged on issues related to the management and use of natural heritage resources that may be of interest to them.
Modification No. 3 ensures consistency with PPS policy 2.6.3 by clarifying the definition of cultural heritage resources, and directs that indigenous communities are to be engaged in the management of cultural heritage resources.
Modification No. 9 ensures consistency with PPS policies 1.1.1c),,, and 2.2. by directing that where communal services are proposed, they should be considered and developed within the context of MECP Guideline D-5-2 specifically with respect to the operation, management, and in the event of default, ownership of the system.
Modification No. 13 ensures consistency with policies and by adding a new policy clarifying permitted land uses in Prime Agricultural Areas.
Effets de la consultation
The first two comments were from developers who raised concerns related to growth management, settlement area expansion in prime agricultural areas, the management of natural heritage resources, and natural hazard areas. Firstly, it was requested that the County include policies in its Official Plan (OP) to monitor and analyze population and employment trends at two-year intervals, as well as commit to conducting a comprehensive review of its OP in the next five years. The population forecast conducted by the county that was used to inform OPA No. 3 exceeded the actual 2021 census numbers from Statistics Canada, except for the Township of Lucan-Biddulph. The County undertook additional work to update its population and growth forecast. No modifications were made in response to these comments.
Secondly, it was requested that policies be added to allow for Settlement Area boundary expansions in Prime Agricultural Areas. Within Prime Agricultural Areas, the identification of new Settlement Areas and expansions of Settlement Areas boundaries is only permitted where it meets the requirements of PPS policy c). The County’s decision not to include any amendment that allows for Settlement Area expansions in Prime Agricultural Areas conforms with the PPS.
Thirdly, it was suggested that developable lands were incorrectly identified as part of the natural heritage system, and natural hazard areas shown on Schedule C of OPA No. 3. Because the policies for managing the Natural Heritage Systems are flexible and not rigid, no modifications were made.
The last comment was from Canadian National Railway (CN) who requested that policies be added regarding land use compatibility between railway facilities and sensitive land uses. These comments were received after the Council adoption of OPA No. 3. Policy of the adopted OPA was modified to ensure that planning for land uses within the vicinity of rail facilities is undertaken in a manner that will ensure that the economic function and long-term operation of rail systems within the county is protected in accordance with PPS policies, and
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659 Exeter Road
Floor 2
N6E 1L3
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Dellarue Howard
Exeter Road Complex 2nd Floor
659 Exeter Road
N6E 1L3
Proposition initiale
Détails de la proposition
On July 19, 2022, the County of Middlesex adopted Official Plan Amendment 3 by By-law 7182. The official plan amendment is now before Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for a decision in accordance with Sections 17 and 26 of the Planning Act.
Official Plan Amendment 3 proposes to ensure that the land use planning policies of the County of Middlesex Official Plan are current, are consistent with provincial policy, and reflect changing community needs for the next 25 years.
If approved, the policy changes of Official Plan Amendment 3 would apply across the County.
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659 Exeter Road
Floor 2
N6E 1L3
La consultation est maintenant terminée.
Cette consultation a eu lieu 8 septembre 2022
au 8 octobre 2022
Communiquer avec nous
Kay Grant
659 Exeter Road
Floor 2
N6E 1L3
Commentaires reçus
Par l'entremise du registre
0Par courriel
3Par la poste