Update Announcement
This notice was updated on June 17, 2024 to advise the public that there has been no change to the status of the proposal and it is still being considered. No additional opportunity for comment is being provided for at this time.
Cette consultation a eu lieu :
du 21 juin 2022
au 22 août 2022
Résumé de la proposition
Greenwood Paving (Pembroke) Ltd. has applied for a licence to operate a pit above the water table in the Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan.
Détails de l'emplacement
Détails de l'emplacement du site
Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan, Renfrew County
Lot 308-312, Concession Range B North, Geographic Township of Brudenell.
This site has coordinates at Latitude 45.44624° N Longitude 77.34534° W.
The site is an expansion of an existing Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) Class B Licence No. 623659.
A link to our mapping tool allows you to locate and view licensed sites under the ARA.
Carte de l'emplacement du site
L'épingle de localisation correspond à la zone approximative où a lieu l’activité environnementale.
Afficher cet emplacement sur une carte opens link in a new windowPromoteur(s)
Greenwood Paving (Pembroke) Ltd.
177 MacKay Street
K8A 1C2
Détails de la proposition
Greenwood Paving (Pembroke) Ltd. has applied for a Class A licence, Pit Above Water, to excavate aggregate from a pit of 105.11 hectares in size with an extraction area of 60.72 hectares.
This application is for an expansion to the existing ARA Class B Licence No. 623659.
Other information
The extraction of aggregate from a pit on private land designated by regulation, in the Province of Ontario, requires the issuance of a licence. Ontario Regulation 244/97 and the Aggregate Resources of Ontario Standards set out the application process and requirements.
For each new licence, the applicant must provide information (site plan, summary statement, technical reports) with respect to the existing features, operation and rehabilitation of the site to demonstrate that the proposed operation will minimize adverse impact on the environment.
For this proposal, the following information has been prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry (MNDMNRF):
- Site plan
- Summary Statement
- Natural Environment Report (Level 1 and 2)
- Cultural Heritage Report (Archaeological Report level 1 and 2)
- Maximum Predicted Water Table Report (Groundwater Report)
- Noise Assessment Report (Acoustic Assessment Report)
The Site Plan addresses existing features of the pit area (existing natural features and land use on and surrounding the site within 120 meters); the proposed operation (shape, dimensions, area and depth to be excavated, method of extraction); and progressive and final rehabilitation.
The Summary Statement includes information on one or more of the following considerations: land use planning, agricultural classification, quality and quantity of aggregate, haul routes, truck traffic and entrance permits, progressive and final rehabilitation, surface water, and elevation of the established groundwater table.
The Natural Environment Report identifies the presence of significant natural heritage features/areas that exist on the site or within 120 meters of the site. Where any of the features or areas have been identified, the report must identify and evaluate any negative impacts on the features or areas and ecological functions, and identify any proposed preventative, mitigative or remedial measures. The report must also identify if the application site or any of the features are located within a natural heritage system that has been identified by a municipality in ecoregions 6E and 7E or by the province as part of a provincial plan.
The Cultural Heritage Report must be consistent with provincial requirements under the Ontario Heritage Act and the Provincial Policy Statement. Screening checklists evaluating the potential for archaeological resources, built heritage and cultural heritage landscapes, with supporting documentation, is required. Where screening indicates that assessments are requirement to be completed, the assessment reports and letters from the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Cultural Industries must be obtained.
A report must be prepared that details how the maximum predicted water table is identified in metres above sea level, relative to the proposed depth of excavation at the site. Applications proposing to excavate below the maximum predicted water table must complete a Water Report. Level 1 determines the potential for impacts to ground water and surface water resources and their uses. If the Level 1 identifies a potential for impacts resulting from the operation, then an impact assessment (Level 2) is required to determine the significance of the effect and potential for mitigation.
A Noise Assessment report is prepared if proposed excavation and/or processing facilities are within 150 meters (for pit applications) or 500 meters (for quarry applications) of a sensitive receptor. The report is required to determine whether provincial guidelines for Stationary and Transportation Sources can be satisfied.
The Ministry reviews all comments received through the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) and the notification and consultation process under the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) and considers them before making a decision. Comments received through the ERO are considered by the Ministry however, the process under the ARA is proponent driven. This means that comments for consideration by the applicant under the ARA process must be submitted to the applicant and the Ministry during the 60-day consultation period initiated by the applicant.
Details of the application process can be found in Ontario Regulation 244/97 under the ARA and on the Ministry website at aggregate resources\ontario.ca. Many regulatory changes for new applications took effect on April 1, 2021. This means that applications submitted after March 31, 2021 must meet the new requirements in Ontario Regulation 244/97 and Aggregate Resources of Ontario Standards.
Public consultation opportunities
Written notice concerning this application was delivered to landowners within 120 meters of the proposed licensed boundary; an information sign, giving notice to the public of this application, was erected at the proposed site; and a Public Notice of Application appeared in the local paper, the Eganville on March 30th, 2022.
The information submitted in support of this application can be viewed at Greenwood Paving (Pembroke) Ltd, 177 MacKay Street, Pembroke, Township of Brudenell, Lundoch and Ranglan office, 42 Burnt Bridge Road, Palmer Rapids or can be requested through kbeatty@ravenwoodenv.ca. A virtual information session to present the details of the proposed new licence was scheduled for the 11th of April, 2022 between 1pm and 3pm.
A Public Information Session was held in person at the Quadville Garage at 3310 Quadville Road on April 11, 2022, between 1pm and 3pm.
The application for this licence is being circulated within the MNDMNRF. Additionally, notification of this application has been forwarded to the Township of Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan, the County of Renfrew and the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, for comment.
Documents justificatifs
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300 Water Street, 4th Floor South tower
K9J 3C7
Communiquer avec nous
Veronique Falardeau
300 Water Street, 4th Floor South tower
K9J 3C7
La consultation est maintenant terminée.
La période de consultation a eu lieu du 21 juin 2022
au 22 août 2022