Regional Municipality of Halton - Permit for activities to achieve an overall benefit to a species

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Type d'acte: Permit for activities to achieve an overall benefit to a species

Numéro du REO
Numéro de référence du ministère
Type d'avis
Endangered Species Act , R.S.O. 2007
Affiché par
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Étape de l'avis
Décision publiée
Période de consultation
Du 21 octobre 2022 au 20 novembre 2022 (30 jours) Fermé
Dernière mise à jour

Il n’existe aucune obligation d’afficher cet avis sur le Registre environnemental de l’Ontario, mais nous voulons connaître votre opinion. Nous vous remercions de vos commentaires.

Cette consultation a eu lieu :

du 21 octobre 2022
au 20 novembre 2022

Résumé de la décision

The minister has issued an overall benefit permit to the Regional Municipality of Halton for construction activities which will impact Silver Shiner, a species at risk fish. The permit includes actions to provide an overall benefit to the species and minimize adverse effects, and outlines monitoring and reporting requirements.

Détails de l'emplacement

Adresse du site

Oakville, ON

Détails de l'emplacement du site

The proposed project is being carried out at Bronte Creek between Bronte Road and Burloak Drive in the City of Oakville

Carte de l'emplacement du site

L'épingle de localisation correspond à la zone approximative où a lieu l’activité environnementale.

Afficher cet emplacement sur une carte opens link in a new window


Regional Municipality of Halton
1151 Bronte Road
Oakville, ON
L6M 3L1

Détails de la décision

On March 13, 2023, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks issued an overall benefit permit to the Regional Municipality of Halton under subsection 17(1) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA). The permit was issued in accordance with the criteria in clause 17(2)(c) of the Act, concerning Silver Shiner, for the extension of Wyecroft Road, creating a new bridge across Bronte Creek between Bronte Road and Burloak Drive in Oakville, Ontario.

The permit authorizes the proponent to adversely impact:

  • Silver Shiner individuals (for the purpose of relocation, if required)
  • approximately 13,682 m2 of Silver Shiner habitat

Protecting species under the Endangered Species Act

Our government is committed to protecting species at risk and providing strong environmental oversight, while working to support the development of critical infrastructure in the province.

Businesses, municipalities and other proponents are expected to take steps to ensure their projects avoid any adverse impacts on species at risk or their habitats. However, where avoidance is not possible, the ESA gives the Minister the discretion to authorize activities if certain conditions can be met.

The permit includes conditions that require the proponent to undertake measures that will:

  • minimize adverse effects to Silver Shiner
  • achieve an overall benefit to SilverShiner within a reasonable timeframe

Actions to minimize adverse effects to species

The permit requires the Regional Municipality of Halton to carry out actions to minimize adverse effects on Silver Shiner, including:

  • installing erosion and sediment control measures
  • before work starts and maintaining these measures
  • minimizing clearing of riparian vegetation to the greatest extent possible
  • undertaking works at a time of year when Silver Shiner are less sensitive to disturbance (e.g., July 1 to September 15 in-water timing window)
  • ensuring natural stream flows are maintained without interruption or diminishment
  • ensuring no equipment enters the watercourse at anytime
  • ensuring equipment maintenance and storage of fuel and materials are carried out a minimum of 30 metres away from the watercourse
  • using qualified professionals to monitor the various stages of work including erosion and sediment control measures
  • restoring all disturbed areas within Silver Shiner habitat limits once the project is complete

Actions to achieve an overall benefit to species

The permit requires the Regional Municipality of Halton to achieve an overall benefit for Silver Shiner within a reasonable timeframe, including:

  • undertaking 9, 170 m2 of floodplain habitat restoration which will involve implementing a detailed planting and restoration plan to address degraded habitat within the Bronte Creek floodplain to reduce sediment and contaminants entering the creek
  • redirecting currently untreated stormwater flows from an existing 1800 mm storm outlet on the Queen Elizabeth Way to the new storm system at the Wyecroft Road crossing to reduce sediment and contaminants and improve the quality of stormwater entering Bronte Creek
  • upgrading and improving an existing 900 mm storm outlet and headwall located on the east bank of Bronte Creek downstream of the project site, as well as realigning the existing outlet channel to reduce sediment inputs into the creek and improve the quality of stormwater entering Bronte Creek

It is expected that these measures will achieve an overall benefit to the species by improving in the quality of habitat in the area. This will help to:

  • mitigate the threat of habitat degradation caused by:
    • release of contaminants and toxic substances
    • increases in turbidity, nutrient and sediment loading
    • issues related to flow modification
  • better ensure that Silver Shiner can safely carry out its life processes.

Other information

Other reasonable alternatives, including alternatives that would not adversely affect the species, were considered such as:

  • not proceeding with the project
  • installing a clear-span bridge over Bronte Creek: this would have been cost prohibitive to construct due to the length of the structure that would be required to span the valley and would require a large footprint impact at the top of the valley slopes
  • considering two alternate alignments: this would have resulted in more vegetation clearing, substantial in-stream works and would be cost prohibitive due to the need to relocate infrastructure west of Bronte Creek
  • considering several bridge configuration options to minimize impacts in the valley, including a 4-span steel girder bridge, 3-span concrete segmental bridge and 4-span concrete segmental bridge
  • limiting future development, implementing travel demand management initiatives, improving transit services and expanding capacity on other roadways
  • considering road alignments and several different crossing configurations for the road extension

The best option for carrying out the project is to extend Wyecroft Road which will include the construction of a twin 4-span steel girder bridge over Bronte Creek. The chosen bridge configuration ensures that the bridge piers will be at least 25 m away from the creek channel eliminating the need for impacts below the high-water mark of Bronte Creek.

This preferred alignment balances the costs to complete the road extension while minimizing impacts on the natural environment compared to the other alternatives that were considered through:

  • the Environmental Assessment
  • updated alternatives assessment

It also provides an opportunity to improve habitat for Silver Shiner.

Government response statement for Silver Shiner

Ontario has not published a government response statement under section 12.1 of the ESA with respect to Silver Shiner.

Commentaires reçus

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Effets de la consultation

One comment was received in response to the proposal. This comment supported the proposed Overall Benefit activities and no changes were made to the conditions in the issued permit as a result.

Documents justificatifs

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Species at Risk Branch

40 St Clair Ave West
Toronto, ON
M4V 1M2

How to Appeal

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Suivre cet avis

Proposition initiale

Numéro du REO
Numéro de référence du ministère
Type d'avis
Endangered Species Act , R.S.O. 2007
Affiché par
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Proposition affichée

Période de consultation

21 octobre 2022 - 20 novembre 2022 (30 days)

Pourquoi une consultation n’est pas nécessaire

We are not required to consult on this permit proposal as it relates to an animal and therefore does not meet the required criteria set out in subsection 1.3(6) of Ontario Regulation 681/94 of the Environmental Bill of Rights,1993. We are voluntarily posting this notice to advise the public of this proposal and to invite the public to submit written comments to the contact person identified in this notice.

Détails de la proposition

The Regional Municipality of Halton is seeking an overall benefit permit for impacts to Silver Shiner so they can extend Wyecroft Road, creating a new road crossing over Bronte Creek between Bronte Road and Burloak Drive in the City of Oakville.

The proposed activities may adversely impact:

  • Silver Shiner individuals
  • approximately 12,725 m2 of Silver Shiner habitat

Protecting species under the Endangered Species Act

Ontario provides protections for species at risk and their habitats under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Sections 9 and 10 of the ESA provide protection for individual members of a species and their habitat if that species is listed on the Species at Risk in Ontario (SARO) List as either:

  • extirpated
  • endangered
  • threatened

Silver Shiner is listed on the SARO List, under O. Reg. 230/08 of the ESA, as a threatened species therefore it is protected.

Under clause 17(2)(c) of the ESA, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks may issue a permit authorizing a person to engage in an activity that would otherwise be prohibited by sections 9 or 10 of the Act if the Minister believes that:

  • an overall benefit to the species will be achieved within a reasonable time through the conditions of the permit
  • reasonable alternatives have been considered, including alternatives that would not negatively affect the species, and the best alternative has been adopted
  • reasonable steps to minimize negative effects on individual members of the species are required by conditions of the permit

Providing an overall benefit to a protected species under the ESA involves improving circumstances for the species in Ontario. Overall benefit is:

  • more than "no net loss" or an exchange of "like for like"
  • grounded in the protection and recovery of the species at risk
  • more than mitigation measures or "replacing" what is lost

Actions to achieve an overall benefit to the species

The Regional Municipality of Halton is working to identify ways to provide an overall benefit to Silver Shiner. These may involve:

  • restore 10,000 m2 of Bronte Creek floodplain habitat by implementing a planting and restoration plan to reduce sediment and contaminants entering the stream
  • redirect currently untreated stormwater flows from an existing 1800 mm storm outlet on the QEW to the new storm system at the Wyecroft Road crossing to reduce sediment and contaminants and improve the quality of stormwater entering Bronte Creek
  • upgrade and improve an existing 900 mm storm outlet and headwall located on the east bank of Bronte Creek downstream of the project site
  • realign an existing outlet channel to reduce sediment inputs into the creek and improve the quality of stormwater entering Bronte Creek

These proposed actions are expected to achieve overall benefits for Silver Shiner, resulting in:

  • improved water quality due to decreased amounts of coarse sediments and contaminants being discharge to the stream from the road surface
  • improved in-stream, floodplain and riparian habitat for the species

Reasonable alternatives being considered

The Regional Municipality of Halton is considering alternatives, including alternatives that would not adversely affect Silver Shiner and its habitat. These include:

  • not proceeding with the Wyecroft Road Extension and Bridge project
  • installing a clear-span bridge over Bronte Creek - Cost prohibitive to construct due to the length of structure that would be required to span the valley. Would require a larger footprint impact at the top of the valley slopes.
  • consideration of two alternative alignments which would result in more vegetation clearing and would be cost prohibitive due to the need to re-locate infrastructure west of Bronte Creek.
  • consideration of several bridge configuration options to minimize impacts in the valley: 1) 4-span steel girder bridge, 2) 3-span concrete segmental bridge, 3) 4-span concrete segmental bridge
  • limiting future development, implementing travel demand management initiatives, improving transit services and expanding capacity on other roadways
  • considering road alignments and several different crossing configurations for the road extension

The Regional Municipality of Halton has concluded that the best alternative is to extend Wyecroft Road. This will include constructing a twin 4-span steel girder bridge over Bronte Creek, which ensures that the bridge piers will be at least 25 m away from the creek channel, eliminating the need for impacts below the high-water mark of Bronte Creek.

The preferred alignment balances the costs to complete the road extension while minimizing impacts on the natural environment to the extent possible relative to the other alternatives that were considered through the EA and updated alternatives assessment

Actions to minimize negative effects to the species

The Regional Municipality of Halton is seeking ways to minimize adverse effects on Silver Shiner and its habitat. These may include:

  • undertake any in-water work at a time of year when the species is less sensitive to disturbance (July 1 to September 15)
  • install sediment and erosion control measures to prevent harmful effects to water quality and natural areas that could result from construction activities
  • ensure that the 9,575 m2 damaged during construction of the site is sufficiently restored, stabilized, and enhanced as soon as construction activities are completed
  • ensure the existing flows in the watercourse are maintained during all stages of the activities
  • isolate the work areas from the stream channel
  • train site personnel about the sensitivities associated with working in, and adjacent to, a Silver Shiner watercourse
  • ensure a qualified professional oversees the implementation of the permit conditions (if issued)
  • ensure materials and equipment are operated and stored in manner to prevent harmful substances from entering the watercourses
  • ensure vehicles and equipment refueling and maintenance will be conducted away from watercourses
  • ensure measures are implemented to minimize handling and stress to Silver Shiner should they be encountered in the isolated work area
  • monitor the project’s impacts and mitigation measures to ensure they are effective

Other information

A government response statement under subsection 12.1 of the Endangered Species Act is not available for Silver Shiner.

Posting this proposal on the Environmental Registry does not imply that the Minister will issue a permit. A permit may only be issued where the legal requirements set out in clause 17(2)(c) of the Act have been satisfied.

More information on species at risk overall benefit permits.

Documents justificatifs

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Certains documents justificatifs peuvent ne pas être accessibles en ligne. Si tel est le cas, vous pouvez demander à consulter les documents en personne.

Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.

Species at Risk Branch - Permissions and Compliance

50 Bloomington Rd
Aurora, ON
L4G 0L8


La consultation est maintenant terminée.

Cette consultation a eu lieu 21 octobre 2022
au 20 novembre 2022

Communiquer avec nous


Todd Copeland

Phone number
Email address
Species at Risk Branch - Permissions and Compliance

5520 Hwy 101 East
PO Bag 3020
South Porcupine, ON
P0N 1H0