The Town of Amherstburg - Permit for activities to achieve an overall benefit to a species

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Type d'acte: Permit for activities to achieve an overall benefit to a species

Numéro du REO
Numéro de référence du ministère
Type d'avis
Endangered Species Act , R.S.O. 2007
Affiché par
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Étape de l'avis
Décision publiée
Période de consultation
Du 4 novembre 2021 au 4 décembre 2021 (30 jours) Fermé
Dernière mise à jour

Il n’existe aucune obligation d’afficher cet avis sur le Registre environnemental de l’Ontario, mais nous voulons connaître votre opinion. Nous vous remercions de vos commentaires.

Cette consultation a eu lieu :

du 4 novembre 2021
au 4 décembre 2021

Résumé de la décision

The Minister has issued an overall benefit permit under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 to the Town of Amherstburg for repairs and improvements to Bondy Bastien Drain, which will impact Pugnose Minnow and its habitat. The permit includes actions to minimize adverse effects and benefit the species, as well as monitoring and reporting requirements.

Détails de l'emplacement

Adresse du site

Amherstburg, ON

Détails de l'emplacement du site

The proposed project is being carried out from County Road 3 and Essex County Road 20 south to the Canard River, Town of Amherstburg, Ontario.

Carte de l'emplacement du site

L'épingle de localisation correspond à la zone approximative où a lieu l’activité environnementale.

Afficher cet emplacement sur une carte opens link in a new window


The Town of Amherstburg
512 Sanwhich Street South
Amherstburg, ON
N9V 3R2

Détails de la décision

On April 21, 2022, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks issued an overall benefit permit to the Town of Amherstburg under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA) concerning Pugnose Minnow. The permit enables the Town of Amherstburg to carry out repairs and improvements on the Bondy Bastien Drain in Amherstburg, Ontario.

The permit authorizes the Town of Amherstburg to:

  • harm and harass Pugnose minnow
  • impact up to 2829 m2 of Pugnose minnow habitat

The permit includes conditions that require the Town of Amherstburg to undertake measures that will:

  • minimize adverse effect to Pugnose Minnow
  • achieve an overall benefit to Pugnose Minnow within a reasonable timeframe

Actions to minimize adverse effects to species

The permit requires the Corporation of the Town of Amherstburg to:

  • install erosion and sediment control fencing before beginning work and maintain the fence until disturbed areas have been effectively stabilized
  • work during the appropriate timing window to avoid sensitive life stages for Pugnose Minnow
  • undertake a fish salvage where feasible according to physical characteristics of the drain
  • minimize the disturbed areas to only those required by the project
  • ensure materials and equipment are operated and stored in a way that prevents harmful substances from entering the watercourse
  • ensure machinery arrives on the site in a clean condition and is well maintained
  • take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that no sediment enters the watercourse at any time
  • ensure that on site staff receive species awareness training before working on site

Actions to achieve an overall benefit to species

The permit requires the Town of Amherstburg to achieve an overall benefit for the species within a reasonable timeframe. The Town is required to:

The overall benefit activities are intended to:

  • improve habitat quality
  • provide Pugnose Minnow with access to additional suitable habitat upstream of the Canard River

Government response statement for Pugnose Minnow

Ontario has not published a government response statement under section 12.1 of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 with respect to Pugnose Minnow.

Other information

Other alternatives that would not adversely affect the species were considered, such as:

  • not proceeding with Bondy Bastien Drain repairs and improvements
  • proceeding with Bondy Bastien Drain repairs and improvements without mitigation or compensation
  • proceeding with Bondy Bastien Drain repairs and improvements with mitigation and compensation

The chosen alternative involves proceeding with Bondy Bastien Drain repair and improvements with mitigation and compensation. This alternative strikes a balance between:

  • achieving the Town of Amherstburg’s objective of drain repairs and improvements
  • reducing impacts to the species and its habitat by implementing mitigation measures and providing compensation for habitat impacts as a result of the drain repairs and improvements

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Proposition initiale

Numéro du REO
Numéro de référence du ministère
Type d'avis
Endangered Species Act , R.S.O. 2007
Affiché par
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Proposition affichée

Période de consultation

4 novembre 2021 - 4 décembre 2021 (30 days)

Pourquoi une consultation n’est pas nécessaire

We are not required to consult on this permit proposal as it relates to an animal and therefore does not meet the required criteria set out in subsection 1.3(6) of Ontario Regulation 681/94 of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993. We are voluntarily posting this notice to advise the public of this proposal and to invite the public to submit written comments to the contact person identified in this notice.

Détails de la proposition

The Town of Amherstburg is seeking an overall benefit permit under clause 17(2)(c) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA) for drain repair and improvements to Bondy Bastien Drain in the Town of Amherstburg which is occupied by Pugnose Minnow.

The proposal may adversely impact:

  • Pugnose Minnow individuals
  • approximately 2829 m2 of Pugnose Minnow habitat

Protecting species under the Endangered Species Act

The Ontario government is committed to protecting species at risk and providing strong environmental oversight, while working to support development opportunities in the province.

Ontario protects species at risk and their habitats under the ESA.

Sections 9 and 10 of the ESA provides protection for individual members of a species and their habitat if that species is listed on the Species at Risk in Ontario List as either:

  • extirpated
  • endangered
  • threatened

Pugnose Minnow is listed on the Species at Risk in Ontario List as threatened and is therefore protected.

Under clause 17(2)(c) of the ESA, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks may issue a permit authorizing a person to engage in an activity that would otherwise be prohibited by sections 9 or 10 of the ESA if the minister believes that:

  • an overall benefit to the species will be achieved within a reasonable time through the conditions of the permit
  • reasonable alternatives have been considered, including alternatives that would not negatively affect the species, and the best alternative has been adopted
  • reasonable steps to minimize negative effects on individual members of the species are required by conditions of the permit

Providing an overall benefit to a protected species under the ESA involves improving circumstances for the species in Ontario. Overall benefit is:

  • more than "no net loss" or an exchange of "like for like"
  • grounded in the protection and recovery of the species at risk
  • more than mitigation measures or "replacing" what is lost

Actions to achieve an overall benefit to the species

The Town of Amherstburg is working to identify actions that would achieve an overall benefit for Pugnose Minnow. These may involve:

  • improving habitat quality by:
    • reducing the growth of invasive species, such as common reed, around the drain
    • improving flow conditions and fish passage by realigning, removing and restoring drains, culverts and bridge crossings, resulting in improved habitat availability for Pugnose Minnow
    • adding foreshore areas creating overhanging channel cover and shelter
    • adding three groupings of eddy rocks along the length of the new channel to improve habitat structure, enhance water quality and provide spawning habitat
    • adding three riffles and refuge pools providing refuge during times of low flow

These proposed actions are expected to achieve overall benefits for Pugnose Minnow, resulting in:

  • improving existing drainage and water quality
  • improving habitat suitability and increasing habitat availability for the species

Reasonable alternatives being considered

The Town of Amherstburg has explored a range of alternatives, including alternatives that would not adversely affect Pugnose Minnow and its habitat. These include:

  • not proceeding with Bondy Bastien Drain repair and improvements
  • proceeding with Bondy Bastien Drain repair and improvements Bastien Drain without mitigation or compensation
  • proceeding with Bondy Bastien Drain repair and improvements including mitigation and compensation

The Town of Amherstburg has concluded that the best alternative is to proceed with Bondy Bastien Drain repair and improvements while incorporating appropriate mitigation and compensation for the species and its habitat. They identified this as the design alternative that meets the Town of Amherstburg’s drain standards while limiting the adverse effects to Pugnose Minnow and its habitat.

Actions to minimize negative effects to the species

The Town of Amherstburg is seeking ways to minimize adverse effects on Pugnose Minnow and its habitat. These may include:

  • installing erosion and sediment control fencing before beginning work and maintaining the fence until disturbed areas have been effectively stabilized
  • working during the appropriate timing window to avoid sensitive life stages for Pugnose Minnow
  • undertaking a fish salvage where feasible according the physical characteristics of the drain
  • minimizing the disturbed areas to those only required by the project
  • ensuring materials and equipment are operated and stored in a way that prevents harmful substances from entering the watercourse
  • ensuring machinery arrives on site in a clean condition and is well maintained
  • taking all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that no sediment enters the watercourses at any time
  • ensuring that on site staff receives species awareness training before starting work on the site

Other information

A government response statement under subsection 12.1 of the Endangered Species Act is not available for Pugnose Minnow.

Posting this proposal on the Environmental Registry does not imply that the Minister will issue a permit. A permit may only be issued where the legal requirements set out in clause 17(2)(c) of the Act, have been satisfied.

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La consultation est maintenant terminée.

Cette consultation a eu lieu 4 novembre 2021
au 4 décembre 2021

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