Il n’existe aucune obligation d’afficher cet avis sur le Registre environnemental de l’Ontario, mais nous voulons connaître votre opinion. Nous vous remercions de vos commentaires.
Cette consultation a eu lieu :
du 23 avril 2021
au 23 mai 2021
Résumé de la décision
The Minister has issued a permit under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 to the Regional Municipality of Halton for activities in Burlington that may impact Silver Shiner. The permit includes actions to minimize adverse effects, actions to benefit the species, as well as monitoring and reporting requirements.
Détails de l'emplacement
Adresse du site
Dundas St, Burlington
Détails de l'emplacement du site
The proposed project is being carried out on Dundas Street between Appleby Line and Tremaine Road in the City of Burlington, Regional Municipality of Halton, Ontario.
Carte de l'emplacement du site
L'épingle de localisation correspond à la zone approximative où a lieu l’activité environnementale.
Afficher cet emplacement sur une carte opens link in a new windowPromoteur(s)
Regional Municipality of Halton
1151 Bronte Road
L6M 3L1
Détails de la décision
On June 29, 2021, the Minister issued an overall benefit permit to Regional Municipality of Halton under s. 17(1) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA), with respect to and Silver Shiner, for the for the widening of the Tansley Bridge that crosses Bronte Creek in Burlington. This is part of the reconstruction of Dundas Street (Reg. Rd. 5) from Appleby Line (Reg. Rd. 20) to 288 metres west of Tremaine Road (Reg. Rd. 22) in the City of Burlington, Ontario.
The permit will authorize Regional Municipality of Halton to impact Silver Shiner and its during construction.
Silver Shiner is listed on Species at Risk in Ontario List as threatened; therefore it is protected.
Averse impacts to Silver Shiner and its habitat from this project include:
- impacting 667 m2 of floodplain habitat from alterations of bank to allow construction of the north side piers and footings, and adding protection rock on the east bank
- impacting 2843 m2 of floodplain habitat through clearing of the site to establish and access road, work areas, and construction of a temporary vehicle crossing under the bridge
The permit requires Regional Municipality of Halton to:
- minimize adverse effects to Silver Shiner
- achieve overall benefit to Shiner within a reasonable time
Protecting species at risk
Our government is committed to protecting species at risk and providing strong environmental oversight, while working to support a safe and efficient transportation system in Ontario.
Businesses, municipalities and other proponents are expected to take steps to ensure their projects avoid any adverse impacts on species at risk or their habitats. However, where avoidance is not possible, the Endangered Species Act, 2007 gives the Minister the discretion to authorize activities if certain conditions can be met.
Actions to minimize adverse effects to species
For Silver Shiner, the permit requires Regional Municipality of Halton to:
- replant temporarily disturbed natural areas of the floodplain habitat with the same or similar native species that are present now, or species otherwise compatible with the existing site conditions and vegetation community
- install rigorous erosion and sediment controls including containment and dewatering measures, and ensuring rigorous inspection throughout construction
- implement the Erosion and Sediment Controls (ESC)
- minimize the extent of in-water construction zone using isolation methods designed to minimize creek flow into the work area
- conduct the work within appropriate timing windows and employing fish rescue measures
- monitor planted vegetation for a minimum of three years, and replant to achieve a survival level above 80%
Actions to achieve an overall benefit to species
The permit requires Regional Municipality of Halton to achieve an overall benefit for the Silver Shiner within a reasonable time by:
- improving stormwater management system on Dundas Street for drainage of existing and additional proposed lanes
- repairing and stabilizing a 90-metre-long section (at least 1,500 m2) of severely eroding creek bank located 3.8 km upstream at Mount Nemo Scout Camp on the east bank of Bronte Creek at Sideroad 2 using a vegetated rock buttress
Other information
The Regional Municipality of Halton considered other reasonable alternatives, including:
- not proceeding with the development
- this option would not achieve the purpose of the project in providing the infrastructure necessary to meet the growing transportation needs in Halton Region
- extend bridge to the north, demolishing and replacing the south structure of the bridge with new piers
- construction access requires the temporary vehicle crossing with pier to be in the middle of the channel (south of bridge) outside of existing footprint
- construction access from west to east requires vegetation removal south of existing bridge footprint
- extend bridge to the north, including expanding piers and replace deck structure. Design includes erosion protection upstream of bridge to reduce erosion near northeastern pier
- construction access requires the temporary vehicle crossing to be within the existing bridge footprint avoiding the need for an in-water pier in the channel
- potential loss of floodplain habitat will likely be minimized by putting the temporary vehicle crossing within the previously disturbed bridge footprint
The Regional Municipality of Halton determined that the best alternative for the project is to extend the bridge to the north, including expanding piers and replacing deck structure. Construction access and temporary vehicle crossing will be located within the previously disturbed bridge footprint. With this option, the overall footprint of the bridge would be minimized. Most of the impacts with construction access would be in already cleared or disturbed areas in the floodplain habitat. This option would reduce the need to disturb new areas within the species habitat.
Government response statement for Silver Shiner
A government response statement has not been published under subsection 12.1 of the ESA for Silver Shiner.
Effets de la consultation
No comments were received.
No changes were made to the proposal. The approved permit includes actions to minimize impacts to Shiner and creates additional habitat for the species. These actions support the protection and recovery of the species.
Documents justificatifs
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50 Bloomington Rd
L4G 0L8
How to Appeal
Les appels ne sont pas autorisés
Ce type d’acte ne peut être porté en appel. En savoir plus sur notre processus de consultation.
Communiquer avec nous
Todd Copeland
5520 Hwy 101 East
PO Bag 3020
South Porcupine,
P0N 1H0
Proposition initiale
Pourquoi une consultation n’est pas nécessaire
We are not required to consult on this permit application as it relates to an animal and therefore does not meet the required criteria set out in subsection 1.3(6) of Ontario Regulation 681/94 of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993. We are voluntarily posting this notice to advise the public of this proposal and to invite the public to submit written comments to the contact person identified in this notice.
Détails de la proposition
The Regional Municipality of Halton is seeking an overall benefit permit so it can widen and improve the existing Tansley Bridge on Dundas Street in the City of Burlington. Tansley Bridge crosses Bronte Creek which is occupied by Silver Shiner.
The proposal may adversely impact:
- Silver Shiner individuals
- approximately 3,510 m2 of Silver Shiner habitat
Protecting species under the Endangered Species Act
Sections 9 and 10 of the ESA provide protection for individual members of a species and their habitat if that species is listed on the Species at Risk in Ontario List as either:
- extirpated
- endangered
- threatened
Silver Shiner is listed as threatened; therefore it is protected.
Under clause 17(2)(c) of the ESA, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks may issue a permit authorizing a person to engage in an activity that would otherwise be prohibited by sections 9 or 10 of the Act if the minister believes that:
- an overall benefit to the species will be achieved within a reasonable time through the conditions of the permit
- reasonable alternatives have been considered, including alternatives that would not negatively affect the species, and the best alternative has been adopted
- reasonable steps to minimize negative effects on individual members of the species are required by conditions of the permit
Providing an overall benefit to a protected species under the ESA involves improving circumstances for the species in Ontario. Overall benefit is:
- more than "no net loss" or an exchange of "like for like"
- grounded in the protection and recovery of the species at risk
- more than mitigation measures or "replacing" what is lost
Actions to achieve an overall benefit to the species
The Regional Municipality of Halton is working to identify ways to provide an overall benefit to Silver Shiner. These may involve:
- improving existing stormwater management on Dundas Street by moving from ditches to a curb and gutter system
- protecting 1,500 m2 of unstable valley wall of Bronte Creek near the Mount Nemo Scout Camp from further soil erosion
These proposed actions are expected to achieve overall benefits for Silver Shiner, resulting in:
- reduced stormwater velocity during storm events
- improved quality of stormwater released to Bronte Creek
- improved stream form and habitat suitability for the species.
Reasonable alternatives being considered
The Regional Municipality of Halton is considering alternatives, including alternatives that would not adversely affect Silver Shiner and its habitat. These include:
- not proceeding with the proposed development
- demolishing the existing bridge structure and replacing it with an entirely new bridge
- extending the existing Tansley Bridge northward
The Regional Municipality of Halton has concluded that the best alternative is to extend the existing Tansley Bridge northward. They identified this as the design alternative that meets the Region of Halton’s transportation needs while limiting the adverse effects to Silver Shiner and its habitat.
Actions to minimize negative effects to the species
The Regional Municipality of Halton is seeking ways to minimize adverse effects on Silver Shiner and its habitat. These may include:
- installing erosion and sediment control fencing at the grading limits before beginning work, and maintaining the fence until disturbed areas have been effectively stabilized
- working during the standard in-water work timing window for Silver Shiner (July 1 to September 15)
- removing vegetation between October 1 to March 31
- ensuring materials and equipment are operated and stored in a way that prevents harmful substances from entering the watercourse
- ensuring machinery arrives on site in a clean condition and is well maintained
- taking all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that no sediment enters the watercourses at any time
- isolating all structural work away from the watercourse and conducting it in 'dry' conditions
- allowing only clean materials free of sediments to be placed in the water for temporary construction measures (e.g. coffer dams)
- directing water from areas to be dewatered to a sediment filtration system and then discharging the water to a well-vegetated area at least 30 metres from the watercourse
- monitoring all erosion and sediment control measures daily and completing any necessary repairs within 24 hours
Other information
A government response statement under subsection 12.1 of the Endangered Species Act is not available for Silver Shiner.
Posting this proposal on the Environmental Registry does not imply that the Minister will issue a permit. A permit may only be issued where the legal requirements set out in clause 17(2)(c) of the Act have been satisfied.
Documents justificatifs
Consulter les documents en personne
Certains documents justificatifs peuvent ne pas être accessibles en ligne. Si tel est le cas, vous pouvez demander à consulter les documents en personne.
Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.
La consultation est maintenant terminée.
Cette consultation a eu lieu 23 avril 2021
au 23 mai 2021
Communiquer avec nous
Todd Copeland
5520 Hwy 101 East
PO Bag 3020
South Porcupine,
P0N 1H0
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