Le présent avis est fourni à titre d’information seulement. Il n’existe aucune obligation de mener une consultation sur le Registre environnemental de l’Ontario à propos de cette initiative. Pour en savoir davantage sur le processus de consultation et les types d’avis publiés sur le registre.
Pourquoi une consultation n’est pas nécessaire
We are not required to consult on this permit application as it relates to an animal and therefore does not meet the required criteria set out in subsection 1.3(6) of Ontario Regulation 681/94 of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993. We are voluntarily posting this notice to advise the public of this proposal and to invite the public to submit written comments to the contact person identified in this notice.
Although consultation was not required, the ministry did consult with the public on this proposal by posting ERO #019-1811 for public comment from May 22, 2020 to June 21, 2020. To ensure transparency, the ministry is providing details of its decision and the effects of consultation on decision-making in this notice.
Halton Region
1151 Bronte Road
Oakville , ON
L6M 3L1
Location details
Site location
Sixteen Mile Creek between Dundas Street and Highway 407
To see the site location on a map, refer to the instrument proposal under ERO# 019-1811
Instrument decision
On June 11, 2021, the Minister issued an overall benefit permit to Regional Municipality of Halton under s. 17(1) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA), with respect to Mottled Duskywing and Silver Shiner, for the construction of a section of the William Halton Parkway project that crosses Sixteen Mile Creek in Oakville Ontario.
The permit will authorize Regional Municipality of Halton during the construction to impact Mottled Duskywing and Silver Shiner, which are species at risk, and their habitat.
Impacts to Mottled Duskywing and its habitat include removing 75 m2 of New Jersey Tea plants (approximately 42 plants). New Jersey Tea is an important larval food plant for this species.
Adverse impacts to Silver Shiner and its habitat include:
- destroying 86m2 of floodplain habitat for placement of piers
- damaging 180m2 of the bank of Sixteen Mile Creek
- damaging 9056m2 of vegetation for access road and work areas
The permit requires Regional Municipality of Halton to undertake measures that will:
- minimize adverse effects to Mottled Duskywing and Silver Shiner
- achieve overall benefit to Mottled Duskywing and Silver Shiner within a reasonable time
Actions to minimize adverse effects to species
For Mottled Duskywing, the permit requires the Regional Municipality of Halton to:
- retain plants, specifically New Jersey Tea plants, outside the limit of grading during construction with vegetation protection fencing
- New Jersey Tea plants within construction area are to be transferred to safe locations prior to construction beginning
- carry out three years of effectiveness monitoring to monitor the effectiveness of the construction-related and specific design-related mitigation measures (e.g. survival of the transplanted New Jersey Tea, survival and growth of the vegetation re-planted in temporarily disturbed areas, and effectiveness of vegetation protection measure)
- align the temporary access road to minimize impacts to floodplain vegetation and in particular trees and rare plant species
- site the bridge and temporary crossing locations over stable, straight sections of Sixteen Mile Creek
For Silver Shiner, the permit requires Regional Municipality of Halton to:
- align the temporary access road to minimize impacts to floodplain vegetation and in particular trees and rare plant species
- site the bridge and temporary crossing locations over stable, straight sections of Sixteen Mile Creek
- remove temporary access road following construction and restore the road and work areas around the piers
- replant temporarily disturbed natural areas of the floodplain habitat with the same/similar native species that are present now, or species otherwise compatible with the existing site conditions and vegetation community
- restore temporary work area in the channel to re-instate the existing bed profile and associated edge habitat
- incorporate naturalized techniques into the bank and pier footing protection design
- install rigorous erosion and sediment controls including containment and dewatering measures, and ensuring rigorous inspection throughout construction
- minimize the extent of, and isolating, the in-water construction zone using a robust cofferdam system designed to minimize creek flow into the work area
- conducting the work within appropriate timing windows and employing fish rescue measures
- monitor planted vegetation for a minimum of three years, and addressing survival below the 80% target
Actions to achieve an overall benefit to species
The permit requires the Regional Municipality of Halton to achieve an overall benefit for the Mottled Duskywing within a reasonable time by:
- creating a minimum of 190m2 of habitat with local New Jersey Tea from the impacted site, nursery stock grown from locally sourced seed and a compatible native seed mix
- locating the habitat in a more open canopy area contiguous with habitat to the north of the existing habitat
- restoring an area (minimum of 250 m2 in size) of existing habitat along the valley rim on Town of Oakville Natural Heritage System lands that are currently experiencing successional impacts
The permit requires Regional Municipality of Halton to achieve an overall benefit for the Silver Shiner within a reasonable time by:
- planting and naturalizing approximately 5170 m2of the floodplain on the west side of the channel that is presently part of the actively used park
- erecting signs to identify the overall benefit areas as naturalization areas not to be mowed / disturbed
- placing signs at three controlled access points, the existing pedestrian bridge area, and the trail that will be left at the end of the existing park trail as viewing areas, to encourage use of these access points and protection of the adjacent natural areas
- repairing and stabilizing a 30-metre-long section of severely eroding channel bank located at the end of the park trail using a vegetated rock buttress.
Other information
The Regional Municipality of Halton considered other reasonable alternatives, including:
- not constructing a valley crossing or extension for the road from west across valley and east tableland
- several bridge designs ranging between a clear span bridge, and 3, 4, and 5 span bridge
- relocating road alignment to an alternate site and the associated valley crossing of Sixteen Mile Creek
- alternative access options for construction to avoid crossing the creek, including:
- accessing site from both sides of valley
- accessing from east valley slope only
- accessing from west slope only
- accessing through existing impacted area (Lyons’ Valley Park), which requires temporary water crossings
The best alternative was adopted, which includes building a three-span bridge, with construction access using temporary roads through the park and two temporary water crossings. Overall footprint of the bridge is minimized and bulk of the impacts regarding accessing are focused on already cleared or disturbed areas in the park, thereby reducing the need to disturb new areas within the species habitat.
Government response statement for Mottled Duskywing
The ministry has published a government response statement under section 12.1 of the ESA with respect to Mottled Duskywing. You can access this statement through the ministry’s website: https://www.ontario.ca/page/mottled-duskywing-government-response-statement.
The minister considered the following in reaching a decision regarding the permit:
- supporting partners to undertake activities to protect and recover Mottled Duskywings and their habitat including support provided through permits (including conditions)
- rehabilitating degraded Mottled Duskywing habitat
- transfer and establishment of closely associated larval food plants such as New Jersey Tea
A government response statement has not been published under subsection 12.1 of the ESA for Silver Shiner.
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Todd Copeland
5520 Hwy 101 East
PO Bag 3020
South Porcupine,
P0N 1H0