Dufferin Aggregates, a Division of CRH Canada Group Inc. - Changes to the site plan for a pit or quarry

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Type d'acte: Changes to the site plan for a pit or quarry

Numéro du REO
Numéro de référence du ministère
Type d'avis
Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990
Affiché par
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Étape de l'avis
Décision publiée
Période de consultation
Du 7 mars 2019 au 8 avril 2019 (32 jours) Fermé
Dernière mise à jour

Cette consultation a eu lieu :

du 7 mars 2019
au 8 avril 2019

Résumé de la décision

An aggregate licence was issued to Dufferin Aggregates to make changes to the conditions of their licence to operate the Flamboro Quarry.  The annual tonnage is 3.5 million tonnes and the licenced site operates in Township of West Flamborough, City of Hamilton.

Détails de l'emplacement

Détails de l'emplacement du site

Licence No. 5485 - Part Lot 6, Concession 4

Licence No. 5712 - Part South 1/2 Lot 5, Concession 4

Licence No. 25476 - Part Lot 4, 5, 6, Concession 4

City of Hamilton, Geographic Township of West Flamborough

The site is identified as Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) licence No. 5485, and adjacent licenses No. 5712 and  No. 25476.

A link showing sites licensed under the ARA is provided: https://www.ontario.ca/environment-and-energy/find-pits-and-quarries



Dufferin Aggregates, a Division of CRH Canada Group Inc.
2300 Steeles Avenue West
4th Floor, Suite 400
Concord , ON
L4K 5X6

Détails de la décision

Approval was granted by the Regional Director on February 28, 2020.

ARA licence No. 5484, 5712 and 25476 have now been combined into one licence (No. 5484), with one comprehensive site plan that covers all three previously licensed areas.

The tonnage condition for licence No. 5484 will be limited to no greater than 3.5 million tonnes removed annually.

Commentaires reçus

Par l'entremise du registre


Par courriel


Par la poste

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Effets de la consultation

No comments were received through the Environmental Registry posting, or as a result of the ARA consultation process. A decision was made to proceed with approval of the proposal.

Documents justificatifs

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Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.

Regional Operations Division - Guelph District Office

1 Stone Road West
Guelph, ON
N1G 4Y2

Office phone number

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Suivre cet avis

Proposition initiale

Numéro du REO
Numéro de référence du ministère
Type d'avis
Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990
Affiché par
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Proposition affichée

Période de consultation

7 mars 2019 - 8 avril 2019 (32 days)

Détails de la proposition

Dufferin Aggregates has requested to amalgamate licence No. 5485 with licences No. 5712 and No. 25476, also operated by Dufferin Aggregates. The three licences make up the Flamboro Quarry. As part of the proposed amalgamation, the area of the three sites will be licenced under No. 5485 with one tonnage condition and one comprehensive site plan.

The currently approved tonnage condition for each licence is as follows:

  • No. 5485 – unlimited
  • No. 5712 - 500,000 tonnes annually
  • No. 25476 - 3,000,000 tonnes annually

Dufferin Aggregates proposes to combine the tonnage condition for all three licences to allow a maximum of 3.5 million tonnes to be removed in any calendar year. In addition, the combined tonnage condition will be rescinded from the licence and implemented on the comprehensive site plan for amalgamated licence No. 5485.

Other information

Dufferin Aggregates operates these sites under the authority of licence No. 5485, No. 5712 and No. 25476 under the Aggregate Resources Act.

In addition to the request to vary the tonnage condition, Dufferin Aggregates has also made application for a major site plan amendment to approve a comprehensive site plan with revised operations and rehabilitation.

Site plan information is available to view at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Guelph District office. Making an appointment to view the information is recommended to ensure aggregate staff will be available to provide information and answer questions.

Public consultation opportunities

The application has been circulated to the City of Hamilton, Hamilton Conservation Authority and the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Guelph District for comment

Documents justificatifs

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Certains documents justificatifs peuvent ne pas être accessibles en ligne. Si tel est le cas, vous pouvez demander à consulter les documents en personne.

Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.

Regional Operations Division - Guelph District Office

1 Stone Road West
Guelph, ON
N1G 4Y2

Office phone number


La consultation est maintenant terminée.

Cette consultation a eu lieu 7 mars 2019
au 8 avril 2019

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