Cette consultation a eu lieu :
du 24 février 2020
au 25 mars 2020
Résumé de la décision
We have classified the following commercial end use product: HopGuard II (Reg. No. 33571), containing the active ingredient hop beta acids (present as potassium salts), as Class 4 pesticides.
Détails de l'emplacement
Beta Tech Hop Products Inc
5185 Mc Arthur Blvd NW
Suite 300
Détails de la décision
On April 16,2020, the following end use product: HopGuard II (Reg. No. 33571), containing a new active ingredient, hop beta acids (present as potassium salts), was classified and placed in Class 4 based on the recommendation of the Ontario Pesticide Advisory Committee.
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How to Appeal
Appeals are not allowed
Communiquer avec nous
Sherif Hegazy
40 St. Clair Avenue West
7th floor
M4V 1M2
Proposition initiale
Détails de la proposition
Hop beta acids (present as potassium salts) is a new pesticide ingredient contained in the following commercial end use product: HopGuard II (Reg. No. 33571) that is proposed for classification in Ontario.
Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) assesses pesticides for their risks to human health and the environment, and examines the efficacy and value of pest control products in registering products under the Pest Control Products Act for sale and use across Canada.
In Ontario, the Pesticides Act and Ontario Regulation 63/09 stipulate that federally registered pesticides must be classified in Ontario before they are legal for sale and use.
PCP Registration No.: 33571
- product name: HopGuard II
- product type: acaricide
- formulation: impregnated fabric
- active ingredient: hop beta acids (present as potassium salts)- 4 g per strip
- federal classification: commercial (agricultural)
- pests and use area: for use in bee hives to control varroa mites (varroa destructor) on honey bees
- provisional class: 4
The Ontario Pesticides Advisory Committee (OPAC) has recommended that the end use product HopGuard II, containing the new active ingredient hop beta acids (present as potassium salts), be classified as a Class 4 pesticide based on its hazard criteria.
Class 4 pesticides are federally designated as restricted or commercial products, and are less or least hazardous for use by licensed exterminators and/or certified/noncertified growers.
Other information
New active ingredient: hop beta acids (present as potassium salts)
For more information on the above registered products, please access Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Search product label link under the Additional Information.
For additional information about classification of pesticide products in Ontario, please access the Pesticides Classification link under the Additional Information.
Documents justificatifs
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La consultation est maintenant terminée.
Cette consultation a eu lieu 24 février 2020
au 25 mars 2020
Communiquer avec nous
Sherif Hegazy
40 St. Clair Avenue West
7th floor
M4V 1M2
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