Cette consultation a eu lieu :
du 11 février 2020
au 12 mars 2020
Résumé de la décision
A decision was made on May 28, 2020 to approve all of Amendment No 2 to the Official Plan of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers with twenty-three (23) modifications.
Détails de l'emplacement
Adresse du site
Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers
11 Birch Lake Road
P0P 1P0
Détails de l'emplacement du site
The official plan amendment applies to all lands within the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers
Carte de l'emplacement du site
L'épingle de localisation correspond à la zone approximative où a lieu l’activité environnementale.
Afficher cet emplacement sur une carte opens link in a new windowPromoteur(s)
Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers
11 Birch Lake Road
P0P 1P0
Détails de la décision
Decision on instrument
A decision was made on May 28, 2020 to approve, with modifications, Amendment No 2 to the Official Plan for the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers, adopted by By-law 2020-06. Notice of this decision was issued on May 29, 2020. The modifications were necessary to ensure that the official plan has regard for Provincial Interests as set out in Section 2 of the Planning Act, to ensure consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 (PPS).
The modifications within this decision are intended to:
- establish a 25-year planning horizon, in order to manage change and ensure sufficient land is available to meet projected needs (PPS 1.1.2);
- permit additional residential units in accordance with the Planning Act, in order to ensure the adequate provision of a full range of housing, including affordable housing (PPS 1.4.3);
- ensure the definition of affordable is consistent with that used in the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS 6.0);
- ensure no negative impacts from servicing of industrial and commercial uses in the rural area, in order to protect water quality (PPS;
- remove policy wording that conflicts with the Green Energy Repeal Act;
- ensure the long-term impacts of individual water and sewage services are assessed, in order to protect the quality and quantity of surface water and groundwater (PPS;
- protect significant cultural heritage resources, including requiring an appropriate assessment prior to making a planning decision that has the potential to affect a cultural heritage resource (PPS 2.6.3);
- ensure compliance with regulatory requirements related to potentially contaminated sites, in order to protect human health and the environment (PPS 3.2.2); ensure adequate shoreline buffers to protect sensitive surface water features and fish habitat (PPS 2.1.6);
- identify Kecil Lake and Lang Lake as at-capacity for development due to phosphorus loadings, in order to protect sensitive surface water features (PPS 2.2.1, 2.2.2);
- ensure that policies concerning natural heritage and the management of woodlots, wetlands, stream and river valleys do not limit the ability to agricultural uses to continue (PPS 2.1.9); protect mineral aggregate resources and ensure adequate separation from sensitive land uses, in order to protect the long-term supply of aggregates and minimize social, economic and environmental impacts (PPS, 2.5.2);
- clarify that the forestry policies of the plan do not determine the uses and activities permitted on Crown lands ; and
- clarify the application of certain tools (temporary use by-laws and site plan control) in accordance with the Planning Act.
Other information
Pursuant to Section 17(36.5) of the Planning Act, the Minister’s decision is final and not subject to appeal.
Effets de la consultation
No comments were received on the official plan amendment.
Documents justificatifs
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Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.
159 Cedar Street
Suite 401
P3E 6A5
How to Appeal
Appeals are not allowed
Pursuant to Section 17(36.5) of the Planning Act, the Minister’s decision is final and not subject to appeal.
Communiquer avec nous
Christopher Brown
159 Cedar Street
Suite 401
P3E 6A5
Proposition initiale
Détails de la proposition
Details of proposal
The Council of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers adopted Official Plan Amendment No 2 (OPA 2) on January 22, 2020 by By-law 2020-06. This amendment is intended to update the policy framework that guides growth and physical (land use) change across the Township, whilst incorporating provincial objectives and community-driven priorities. OPA 2 was undertaken as part of the Township’s review of the official plan, as required by the Planning Act. The official plan was last updated by amendment, as approved in 2010.
OPA 2 has been forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing by the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers for a decision.
Other information
Pursuant to subsections 17(36.5) and (38.1) and subsection 21(3) of the Planning Act, the decision of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding an official plan amendment adopted in accordance with section 26 is final and not subject to appeal.
Documents justificatifs
Consulter les documents en personne
Certains documents justificatifs peuvent ne pas être accessibles en ligne. Si tel est le cas, vous pouvez demander à consulter les documents en personne.
Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.
159 Cedar Street
Suite 401
P3E 6A5
La consultation est maintenant terminée.
Cette consultation a eu lieu 11 février 2020
au 12 mars 2020
Communiquer avec nous
Christopher Brown
159 Cedar Street
Suite 401
P3E 6A5
Commentaires reçus
Par l'entremise du registre
0Par courriel
0Par la poste