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Appeal of Tamlann Investments Limited - Order to prevent discharge of contaminants

Numéro du ERO
Étape de l'avis
Appel publié
Dernière mise à jour

Résumé de l'appel

This decision has been appealed

Détails de l’appel

The instrument holder has appealed this decision.

Additional details can be found on the Environmental Review Tribunal website (case number 21-022).

Documents justificatifs

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Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.

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L’organe d’appel peut fournir davantage d’informations, notamment des dates et des lieux d’audience. Des informations supplémentaires sur le processus d'appel en vertu d'instruments peuvent être fournies par le ministère de l'Environnement, de la Conservation et des Parcs.

Environmental Review Tribunal
Attention: The Secretary
655 Bay Street
Floor 15
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1E5
(416) 212-6349
(866) 448-2248

About the Environmental Review Tribunal

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Environmental Bill of Rights Office
40 St. Clair Ave. West
12th Floor
Toronto, ON
M4V 1M2

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Nous vous enverrons des avis par courriel accompagnés de toute mise à jour liée à cette consultation. Vous pouvez modifier vos préférences relatives à l'avis en tout temps en allant à votre page de profil où se trouvent vos paramètres.

Suivre cet avis

Original decision

Tamlann Investments Limited - Order to prevent discharge of contaminants

La traduction française de cet avis n'est pas disponible. Nous nous excusons pour le dérangement.

Type d'acte: Order to prevent discharge of contaminants

Numéro du REO
Numéro de référence du ministère
Type d'avis
Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990
Affiché par
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Étape de l'avis
Décision Appel
Décision publiée
Période de consultation
Du 16 mars 2020 au 30 avril 2020 (45 jours) Fermé
Dernière mise à jour

Cette consultation a eu lieu :

du 16 mars 2020
au 30 avril 2020

Résumé de la décision

The director has issued an order for assessment of contamination from a gasoline service station located in Oakville, Ontario.

Détails de l'emplacement

Adresse du site

587 Third Line
Oakville, ON
L6L 4A8

Détails de l'emplacement du site

587 Third Line, Oakville Ontario and adjacent properties.

Carte de l'emplacement du site

L'épingle de localisation correspond à la zone approximative où a lieu l’activité environnementale.

Afficher cet emplacement sur une carte opens link in a new window


Tamlann Investments Limited
85 Lancing Dr
Unit Q
Hamilton, ON
L8W 2Z9

Ambi Corporation
5658 Barbara Cres
Burlington, ON
L7L 6X3

7069367 Canada Inc.
757 Victoria Park Ave, Suite 1605
Toronto, ON
M4C 5N8

Geoin Investments Inc.
9 Oakburn Cres
Unit 33
Toronto, ON
M2N 2T5

C & 3S Investments Limited
740 Lakeshore Road East
Unit C
Mississauga, ON
L5E 1C7

Détails de la décision

Director’s Order No. 4260-BHDQHR was issued under sections 18 and 196 of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) on February 12, 2021.

The Director’s Order requires the “Proponents” listed in this notice, jointly and severally, to undertake the following work, including but not limited to:

  • retain a qualified person to complete the work required by the order
  • submit to the director, for review and acceptance, a delineation work plan
  • upon receipt of the director’s acceptance of the delineation work plan, implement the work plan
  • provide written confirmation to the director when the delineation work plan field component has been completed
  • submit a report to the director detailing the results of the delineation work plan
  • submit to the director, for review and acceptance, a ‘next steps’ work plan which must assess all potential exposure pathways and receptors and provide recommendations for any further work

The following modifications were made to the Director’s Order proposal which was posted on March 16, 2020.

  • the issuing director has changed and the description of the Orderees has also been updated
  • section 3.2 regarding the Request for Review information was deleted as this information is now included in the updated Provincial Officer’s Report and in this Decision Notice
  • section 3.4 (previously 3.5) was amended:
    • In paragraph A it is now acknowledged that the work required on site may not be as extensive as the work within the residential neighbourhood and the requirement for low flow groundwater sampling and the completion of an elevation survey have been added as well as a reference to timelines
    • In paragraph B there has been added a requirement for tabulated soil and groundwater quality information
    • In paragraph C, the wording was amended for clarification
  • section 3.5 (previously 3.6) was amended to clarify the grounds for the Order
  • the compliance dates were updated to provide enough time to carry out the work outlined in the Director’s Order
  • the director information regarding to whom reports are to be submitted was updated
  • the wording in Item No. 4 of the Director’s Order was amended slightly for clarification
  • the wording in section 5.4 was amended to indicate that the director may amend the Director’s Order
  • section 5.9 was added as this is the current standard ministry wording.
  • Section 5.10 (previously 5.9) was amended to reflect the new Director’s information
  • the Environmental Review Tribunal contact information was updated
  • the Provincial Officer’s Report, that is attached to and forms part of the Director’s Order, was updated to include information regarding the Orderees and what the ministry did in 2020 in response to the submissions made, including obtaining reports about other gasoline service stations in the area and the preparation of the MECP 2020 Technical Memo commenting thereon

A copy of Director’s Order No. 4260-BHDQHR, including the attached Provincial Officer’s Report, is provided under supporting materials.

Commentaires reçus

Par l'entremise du registre


Par courriel


Par la poste

Consulter les commentaires soumis par l'entremise du registre

Effets de la consultation

Details of the changes made to the Director’s Order are noted in the decision details section.

The director reviewed and considered the comments received. The key comments and ministry responses are set out below.

  1. Tamlann Investments Limited and 7069367 Canada Inc. should be removed from the Director’s Order.

    Ministry response: The Environmental Protection Act authorizes the director to issue an order to any person that owns or owned a contaminated property during the relevant time period to ensure that the contamination is appropriately assessed and the environment is protected. The director accordingly decided that their inclusion on the Order was appropriate as the current and a former owner of the Site.

  2. The Order should be amended as it applies to 7069367 Canada Inc. in recognition of the extensive investigations that it has completed at the site and the residential property.

    Ministry response: Section 3.4 of the Director’s Order was amended to incorporate certain suggestions made regarding the scope of work and the reporting. However, the director decided that the Director’s Order should apply to all of the Orderees requiring delineation of the contamination and an assessment of the risks to the broader residential neighbourhood area.

  3. The compliance dates should be amended to allow sufficient time to carry out the work required by the Director’s Order.

    Ministry response: The compliance dates have been altered in consideration of the request.

  4. The Director’s Order unfairly places the burden of costs on parties that are not responsible for the presence of the contamination.

    Ministry response: Under the Environmental Protection Act owners of property are responsible for contamination that migrated from their property during the time that they owned the property. No changes were made to the Director’s Order regarding this comment.

  5. Tamlann Investments Limited relied on work completed by their environmental consultants and the assessments did not identify petroleum hydrocarbon contamination above the comparison criteria at that time and today’s standards should not be retroactively applied against them.

    Ministry response: The ministry is of the view that petroleum impacted groundwater and soil were likely present at the site during the time that 2006 and 2007 investigations were carried out and that contaminants (petroleum hydrocarbons) were discharged to the environment. The purpose of the preventative measures Director’s Order is to collect additional information regarding the nature and extent of the contamination and any risk of an adverse effect that there may be to the residential neighbourhood. The issuance of the order is not predicated on whether any standard that was in place at the time of the contamination was exceeded, nor is it an attempt to retroactively take punitive measures against previous owners. The presence of contaminants above the level of the current record of site condition standard is an indicator that an adverse effect may result, and so the ministry requires additional information to be collected about the nature and extent of the contamination. No changes were made to the Director’s Order regarding this comment.

Documents justificatifs

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Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.

How to Appeal

Cet avis de décision peut être porté en appel. Vous avez jusqu’à 15 jours à partir du 19 février 2021 pour entamer le processus d’appel.

Veuillez lire les renseignements suivants attentivement pour en savoir plus sur le processus d’appel.

Comment interjeter appelClick to Expand Accordion

For instrument decisions published on or after June 1, 2021, please refer to the updated instructions for information on how to appeal a decision.

Appeal process for decisions published before June 1, 2021

If you’re an Ontario resident, you can start the process to appeal this instrument decision.

First, you’ll need to seek leave (i.e. get permission) from the relevant appellate body to appeal the decision.

If the appellate body grants leave, the appeal itself will follow.

Seek leave to appeal

To seek leave to appeal, you need to do these three things:

  1. prepare your application
  2. provide notice to the minister
  3. mail your application to three parties

1. Prepare your application

You’ll need to prepare an application. You may wish to include the following things in your application:

  1. A document that includes:
    • your name, phone number, fax number (if any), and/or email address
    • the ERO number and ministry reference number (located on this page)
    • a statement about whether you are a resident in Ontario
    • your interest in the decision, and any facts you want taken into account in deciding whether you have an interest in the decision
    • the parts of the instrument that you’re challenging
    • whether the decision could result in significant harm to the environment
    • the reason(s) why you believe that no reasonable person – having regard to the relevant law and to any government policies developed to guide decisions of that kind – could have made the decision
    • the grounds (facts) you’ll be using to appeal
    • the outcome you’d like to see
  2. A copy of the instrument (approval, permit, order) that you you are seeking leave to appeal. You’ll find this in the decision notice on the Environmental Registry
  3. Copies of all supporting documents, facts and evidence that you’ll be using to appeal
What is considered

The appeal body will consider the following two questions in deciding whether to grant you leave to appeal:

  1. is there is good reason to believe that no reasonable person, with respect to the relevant law and to any government policies developed to guide decisions of that kind, could have made the decision?
  2. could the decision you wish to appeal result in significant harm to the environment?

2. Provide your notice

You’ll need to provide notice to the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks that you’re seeking leave to appeal.

In your notice, please include a brief description of the:

  • decision that you wish to appeal
  • grounds for granting leave to appeal

You can provide notice by email at or by mail at:

College Park 5th Floor, 777 Bay St.
Toronto, ON 
M7A 2J3

3. Mail your application

You’ll need to mail your application that you prepared in step #1 to each of these three parties:

  • appellate body
  • issuing authority (the ministry official who issued the instrument)
  • proponent (the company or individual to whom the instrument was issued)

Autorité compétente
Loralyn Wild
District Manager

Halton-Peel District Office, Central Region
4145 North Services Rd
Burlington, ON
L7L 6A3

647 973-1714


Tamlann Investments Limited
85 Lancing Dr
Unit Q
Hamilton, ON
L8W 2Z9

Ambi Corporation
5658 Barbara Cres
Burlington, ON
L7L 6X3

7069367 Canada Inc.
757 Victoria Park Ave, Suite 1605
Toronto, ON
M4C 5N8

Geoin Investments Inc.
9 Oakburn Cres
Unit 33
Toronto, ON
M2N 2T5

C & 3S Investments Limited
740 Lakeshore Road East
Unit C
Mississauga, ON
L5E 1C7

Organe d’appel

Environmental Review Tribunal
Attention: The Secretary
655 Bay Street
Floor 15
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1E5
(416) 212-6349
(866) 448-2248

About the Environmental Review Tribunal

Inclure les éléments suivants:

Numéro du REO
Numéro de référence du ministère

Il ne s'agit pas d'un avis juridique. Veuillez vous reporter à la Charte des droits environnementaux de 1993 pour connaître les exigences exactes prévues par la loi. Consultez un avocat si vous avez besoin d'aide avec le processus d'appel.

Communiquer avec nous


Alisha Benjamin

Phone number
Drinking Water and Environmental Compliance Division - Halton-Peel District Office

4145 North Service Road
Suite 300
Burlington , ON
L7L 6A3

S'inscrire pour obtenir des avis

Nous vous enverrons des avis par courriel accompagnés de toute mise à jour liée à cette consultation. Vous pouvez modifier vos préférences relatives à l'avis en tout temps en allant à votre page de profil où se trouvent vos paramètres.

Suivre cet avis

Proposition initiale

Numéro du REO
Numéro de référence du ministère
Type d'avis
Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990
Affiché par
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Proposition affichée

Période de consultation

16 mars 2020 - 30 avril 2020 (45 days)

Détails de la proposition

This is a notice of a proposed director’s order under sections 18 and 196 of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) regarding petroleum hydrocarbon contamination at 587 Third Line, Oakville.

Soil and groundwater contamination at a gasoline service station has migrated off-site and is impacting an adjacent residential property. Investigations have confirmed the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons, and one or more of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene at the site and an adjacent residential property. The full extent of the contamination is currently unknown. A director’s order is being proposed to require the current and former owners of the site to determine the extent of the contamination and provide a plan to assess any potential risks to the nearby residential area.

The proposed director’s order will require the orderees, jointly and severally, to undertake the proposed work, including but not limited to:

  • retain a qualified person to complete the work required by the order
  • submit to the director, for review and acceptance, a delineation work plan
  • upon receipt of the director’s acceptance of the delineation work plan, implement the workplan
  • provide written confirmation to the director when the delineation work plan field component has been completed
  • submit a report to the director detailing the results of the delineation work plan
  • submit to the director, for review and acceptance, a ‘next steps’ work plan which must address any additional data collection required to wholly assess the risk to off-site receptors

A copy of the draft order number 4260-BHDQHR including the attached provincial officer’s report, is provided under supporting materials.

Documents justificatifs

Consulter les documents en personne

Certains documents justificatifs peuvent ne pas être accessibles en ligne. Si tel est le cas, vous pouvez demander à consulter les documents en personne.

Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.


La consultation est maintenant terminée.

Cette consultation a eu lieu 16 mars 2020
au 30 avril 2020

Communiquer avec nous
