Cette consultation a eu lieu :
du 12 novembre 2019
au 12 décembre 2019
Résumé de la décision
An increase in the annual number of tonnes of aggregate to be removed from licence No. 624927 located in the Township of North Dumfries was approved.
Détails de l'emplacement
Détails de l'emplacement du site
Part Lots 33 and 34, Concession 9, Geographic Township of Dumfries
Township of North Dumfries, Region of Waterloo
The site is adjacent to the western boundary of Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) license # 5489, approximately 1 kilometer north of the Town of Ayr.
A link showing sites licensed under the Aggregate Resources Act is provided: ontario.ca - find pits and quarries
St. Marys Cement Inc. (Canada)
55 Industrial Street
M4G 3W9
Détails de la décision
A change to the site plan of Aggregate Resources Act licence No. 624927 was approved by the Regional Director on July 21, 2020. It is a condition of the site plan that:
The maximum number of tonnes of aggregate to be removed from the site in any calendar year is 700,000 tonnes, unless licence 5489 has removed aggregate in the same calendar year. Where aggregate has been removed from licence 5489 in the same calendar year as material has been removed from this licence, the total maximum number of tonnes of aggregate to be removed from the two sites combined is 700,000 tonnes.
Effets de la consultation
There were no comments received through the Environmental Registry.
Written comments were received from the Region of Waterloo related to noise concerns. The applicant provided additional information to the Region of Waterloo to satisfy their concerns. A decision was made to proceed with the approval of this proposal.
Documents justificatifs
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300 Water Street
4th Floor, South tower
K9J 3C7
How to Appeal
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Communiquer avec nous
Kendall Haddow
300 Water Street
4th Floor, South tower
K9J 3C7
Proposition initiale
Détails de la proposition
Application has been made by St. Marys Cement Inc. (Canada) to amend the current site plan for licence #624927 to allow an increase in the number of tonnes of aggregate that may be removed in a calendar year. The current site plan condition states that “the total tonnage to be excavated from this site in combination with the existing Ayr pit is 600,000 tonnes.” St. Marys Cement Inc. (Canada) has requested that the combined tonnage limit be increased to 700,000 tonnes annually. This increase has been requested by the licensee to address the higher demand for aggregates in the area.
Other information
St. Marys Cement Inc. (Canada) currently operates this site under the authority of licence #624927 under the Aggregate Resources Act; 51 hectares are licensed as a pit.
Other public consultation opportunities
The proposal request for this amendment is being circulated within the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Guelph District office. Additionally, notification of this application has been forwarded to the Township of North Dumfries and the Region of Waterloo for comment.
Documents justificatifs
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Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.
1 Stone Road West
N1G 4Y2
2958 Greenfield Road
N0B 1E0
150 Frederick Street
N2G 4J3
La consultation est maintenant terminée.
Cette consultation a eu lieu 12 novembre 2019
au 12 décembre 2019
Communiquer avec nous
Seana Richardson
1 Stone Road West
N1G 4Y2
Commentaires reçus
Par l'entremise du registre
0Par courriel
1Par la poste