Il n’existe aucune obligation d’afficher cet avis sur le Registre environnemental de l’Ontario, mais nous voulons connaître votre opinion. Nous vous remercions de vos commentaires.
Cette consultation a eu lieu :
du 13 septembre 2019
au 13 octobre 2019
Résumé de la décision
The minister has issued a permit under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 to HH (MB) Limited Partnership for activities that will impact Blanding’s Turtle, Eastern Foxsnake (Georgian Bay Population) and Eastern Whip-poor-will. The permit includes actions to minimize adverse effects and benefit the species and monitoring and reporting requirements.
Détails de l'emplacement
Adresse du site
380 Macey Bay Road
Town of Honey Harbour,
P0E 1E0
Détails de l'emplacement du site
Lighthouse Landing at Georgian Bay trailer park
HH (MB) Limited Partnership
145 Adelaide Street West
Unit 500
M5H 4E5
Détails de la décision
On February 23, 2023, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks issued an overall benefit permit to HH (MB) Limited Partnership, under section 17(1) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA) for Blanding’s Turtle, Eastern Foxsnake (Georgian Bay Population) and Eastern Whip-poor-will and their habitat.
The permit authorizes HH (MB) Limited Partnership to expand and redevelop the former Dreamers Trailer Park into Lighthouse Landing at Georgian Bay trailer park at 380 Macey Bay Road in the Town of Honey Harbour, Township of Georgian Bay, Ontario.
The following habitat will be impacted:
- damage 13.66 hectares and destroy 1.58 hectares of Blanding's Turtle habitat
- damage 6.35 hectares and destroy 2.46 hectares of Eastern Foxsnake (Georgian Bay population) habitat
- damage 8.63 hectares of the habitat of Eastern Whip-poor-will
Protecting species at risk
Our government is committed to protecting species at risk and providing strong environmental oversight, while working to support development opportunities in the province.
Businesses, municipalities and other proponents are expected to take steps to ensure their projects avoid any adverse impacts on species at risk or their habitats. However, where avoidance is not possible, the ESA gives the Minister the discretion to authorize activities if certain conditions can be met.
The permit includes conditions that require HH (MB) Limited Partnership to undertake measures that will:
- minimize adverse effects to Blanding’s Turtle, Eastern Foxsnake (Georgian Bay Population) and Eastern Whip-poor-will
- achieve an overall benefit to Blanding’s Turtle, Eastern Foxsnake (Georgian Bay Population) and Eastern Whip-poor-will within a reasonable timeframe
Actions to minimize adverse effects to the species
The permit requires HH (MB) Limited Partnership to:
- install exclusion fencing to ensure the Blanding’s Turtle and Eastern Foxsnake-Georgian Bay Population are unable to access the site during construction
- complete site grading preparation outside of the active season for the species to avoid potential mortality or harm to individuals
- minimize the removal and disturbance of vegetation and rock barrens outside of development envelopes
- avoid development in Provincially Significant Wetland and areas along the canal
- erect permanent wooden fencing around restoration areas to discourage foot traffic by residents
- microsite selection by a Qualified Professional of trailer footprint locations to minimize disturbance to potential habitat or natural features, while maximizing use of previous footprint locations
- ensure a Qualified Professional determines the microsite footprints for the utility poles
- erect snake-turtle crossing and awareness signs at three locations
- erect species at risk and biodiversity appreciation signs at two locations
- prevent the spread of invasive species in aquatic habitats
- use mulches and other organic stabilizers to minimize erosion until vegetation is established on sensitive soils
- ensure lighting in the development will be dark sky compliant lighting to mitigate impacts to foraging Eastern whip-poor-will
Actions to achieve an overall benefit to the species
The permit requires HH (MB) Limited Partnership to achieve an overall benefit for the species within a reasonable timeframe, including:
- protecting a minimum of 49 hectares of existing habitat around the proposed project for the long-term by granting a conservation easement to an area of private property to the west of the property
- enhancing this area by restricting the use of off-road motorized vehicles on existing trails
- creating new artificial nesting sites for the species within this area
- erecting signage to support outreach and education about the species
- monitoring the effectiveness of the proposed overall benefit actions, including the use/non-use of nesting features
- planting of pollinator friendly species to increase insect abundance for foraging Eastern Whip-poor-will
The actions will result in an overall benefit to the species by:
- securement of habitat for the species for the long term
- enhancement of existing habitat through the creation of new nesting features to increase reproductive success for Blanding’s turtle and Eastern Foxsnake
- reduce a threat to the species survival by reducing motorized access on enhancement lands and reducing speed limits within the development
- planting pollinator friendly species in Eastern Whip-poor-will habitat to increase insect abundance
- increasing public awareness
Other information
Reasonable alternatives were considered, including alternatives that would not adversely affect the species, such as:
- not proceeding with the proposed development
- proceeding with the project but on a smaller scale (fewer trailer sites)
- proceeding with the development
The best alternative involves carrying out the proposed project by proceeding with the expansion and redevelopment of the trailer park as it is the only option that achieves the purpose of the project in a financially viable way while being subject to measures to minimize adverse effects on the species and undertaking beneficial actions.
The ministry has published a government response statement (GRS) under section 12.1 of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 with respect to Blanding's Turtle, Eastern Foxsnake (Georgian Bay Population) and Eastern Whip-poor-will.
The GRS for Blanding’s Turtle is available at: Blanding’s Turtle government response statement | Consideration was given to the GRS and permit conditions align with the objectives outlined in the GRS, including:
- encouraging the submission of species at risk data to Ontario’s central repository (Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC))
- maintaining or improving the quality of habitat, increasing connectivity, reducing threats and improving recruitment
- promoting or increasing awareness of Blanding’s Turtle
- securement and long-term protection of habitat
The GRS for Eastern Foxsnake (including both Carolinian and Georgian Bay populations) is available at: Eastern Foxsnake government response statement |
Consideration was given to the GRS and permit conditions align with the objectives outlined in the GRS, including:
- encouraging the submission of species at risk data to Ontario’s central repository (NHIC)
- promoting or increasing awareness of Eastern Foxsnake
- securement and long-term protection of habitat
- reducing mortality by minimizing human-related threats
The GRS for Eastern Whip-poor-will is available at: Eastern Whip-poor-will government response statement | Consideration was given to the GRS and permit conditions align with the objectives outlined in the GRS, including:
- encouraging the submission of species at risk data to Ontario’s central repository (NHIC)
- promoting or increasing awareness of Eastern Whip-poor-will
Effets de la consultation
We received twenty-five comments in response to this proposal. The majority of comments were in opposition to the project and expressed concern for Georgian Bay wetlands, the size of the trailer park being proposed, damage to the local environment and proposed sewage management.
The comments did not result in modifications being made to the permit, as no development will occur in the wetland or within a 30 metre buffer around the wetland, the proposed new sewage treatment system is not considered to have the potential to adversely affect the three species being considered in the permit application and the avoidance, mitigation and overall benefit measures are sufficient to meet the requirements for issuance of the permit under the ESA.
Documents justificatifs
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Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.
435 James St. South
Suite 114
Thunder Bay,
P7E 6T1
How to Appeal
Les appels ne sont pas autorisés
Ce type d’acte ne peut être porté en appel. En savoir plus sur notre processus de consultation.
Communiquer avec nous
Kristina Hubert
300 Water Street
4th Floor, South tower
K9J 3C7
Proposition initiale
Pourquoi une consultation n’est pas nécessaire
The Environmental Bill of Rights does not require this notice to be placed on the Environmental Registry. We are voluntarily posting this notice to advise the public of the proposal and to invite the public to submit written comments on this proposal to the contact person identified in this notice.
Détails de la proposition
An individual property owner is seeking a permit under clause 1 7(2)(c) of the Endangered Species Act to damage and destroy habitat of Blanding's Turtle, Eastern Foxsnake-Georgian Bay Population and Eastern Whippoor-Will to redevelop and expand the former Dreamers Trailer Park into Lighthouse Landing at Georgian Bay trailer park, located at 380 Macey Bay Road in the Town of Honey Harbour, Township of Georgian Bay.
Details include:
- the site is proposed to be used as a seasonal facility; operating from approximately May 1 to October 31 each year
- the park is proposed to include up to 180 trailer sites, two rental cottages, a pool, a clubhouse and a 10,000 square foot maintenance building
- docking facilities would also be available on the bay
- access around the park would be provided via electric golf carts using 8 foot wide cart paths
- the park would be developed in three phases; dependent on sales
- the project is anticipated to impact Blanding's Turtle, Eastern Foxsnake-Georgian Bay Population and Eastern Whip-poor-will (the species)
- the applicant is seeking a permit under clause 1 7(2)(c) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 to damage and destroy the habitat of Blanding's Turtle (i.e. 13.66 ha of damage, 1.58 ha of destruction) and Eastern Foxsnake-Georgian Bay population (i.e. 6.35 ha of damage, 2.46 ha of destruction) as well as to damage 8.63 ha of Eastern Whip-poor-Will habitat
- this damage and destruction are expected to be a result of vegetation clearing, grading and the construction of new facilities and infrastructure
- no direct impacts, such as killing or harming the species, are expected to occur as a result of the proposed redevelopment
- Blanding's Turtle, Eastern Foxsnake-Georgian Bay Population and Wastern Whip-poor-will are listed on the Species at Risk in Ontario List, under 0. Reg. 230/08 of the ESA, as threatened
- subsection 9(1) of the ESA provides for the protection of endangered, threatened (and extirpated) species on the Species at Risk in Ontario List while subsection 10(1) provides for the protection of their habitat
- further approvals from the township are still outstanding
The minister may issue a permit under clause 1 7(2)(c) of the ESA that authorizes a person to engage in an activity that would otherwise be prohibited by sections 9 or 10 of the ESA if the Minister is of the opinion that:
- an overall benefit to the species will be achieved within a reasonable time through the conditions of the permit
- reasonable alternatives have been considered, including alternatives that would not negatively affect the species, and the best alternative has been adopted
- reasonable steps to minimize negative effects on individual members of the species are required by conditions of the permit
The applicant has explored reasonable alternatives, including alternatives that would not adversely affect the species, such as:
- not proceeding with the project
- proceeding with the project but on a smaller scale (i.e. fewer trailer sites)
- this option would still result in impacts to the species and was considered financially unviable by the applicant
The best alternative being proposed includes proceeding with the applicant's preferred alternative subject to measures to minimize adverse effects on the species and undertake beneficial actions.
The applicant is seeking ways to minimize adverse effects on individuals of the species, such as:
- installing exclusion fencing to ensure the Blandings Turtle and Eastern Foxsnake-Georgian Bay population are unable to access the site during construction
- completing site grading the preparation outside of the active season for the species to avoid potential mortality or harm to individuals
- Minimizing the removal and disturbance of vegetation and rock barrens outside of development envelopes
The applicant is working with the ministry to identify proposed actions to achieve an overall benefit for the species with may include:
- protecting existing habit in the area of the proposed project for the long term by placing an area of private property to the west of the property under a conservation easement
- enhancing this area by restricting the use of off-road motorized vehicles on existing trails
- creating new artificial nesting sites for the species within this area
- erecting signage to support outreach and education about the species
A government response statement published under subsection 11(8) of the ESA exists for Eastern Foxsnake-Georgian Bay Population and will be considered when reviewing proposed permit conditions.
Please note that the posting of this proposal on the Environmental Registry does not imply that a permit will be approved; a permit may only be issued where the legal requirements set out in clause 1 7(2)(c) of the Endangered Species Act have been satisfied.
Documents justificatifs
Consulter les documents en personne
Certains documents justificatifs peuvent ne pas être accessibles en ligne. Si tel est le cas, vous pouvez demander à consulter les documents en personne.
Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.
40 St. Clair Avenue West
14th Floor
M4V 1M2
La consultation est maintenant terminée.
Cette consultation a eu lieu 13 septembre 2019
au 13 octobre 2019
Communiquer avec nous
Clairissa Myschowoda
300 Water Street
4th Floor, South tower
K9J 3C7
Commentaires reçus
Par l'entremise du registre
25Par courriel
0Par la poste