Hamilton Specialty Bar (2007) Inc. - Environmental Compliance Approval (air)

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Type d'acte: Environmental Compliance Approval (air)

Numéro du REO
Numéro de référence du ministère
Type d'avis
Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990
Affiché par
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Étape de l'avis
Décision Mis à jour
Décision publiée
Période de consultation
Du 30 octobre 2015 au 14 décembre 2015 (45 jours) Fermé
Dernière mise à jour

Update Announcement

This proposal notice has been updated on December 12, 2017 to advise the public that this application is still under active review. The ministry is reviewing the comments it has received to date. The original proposal date and comment period have not been altered.

Cette consultation a eu lieu :

du 30 octobre 2015
au 14 décembre 2015

Résumé de la décision

We have cancelled the Environmental Compliance Approval application for Hamilton Specialty Bar (2007) Inc., in North Hamilton, Ontario.

Détails de l'emplacement

Adresse du site

319 Sherman Street
North Hamilton, ON
L8L 6N2

Carte de l'emplacement du site

L'épingle de localisation correspond à la zone approximative où a lieu l’activité environnementale.

Afficher cet emplacement sur une carte opens link in a new window


Hamilton Specialty Bar (2007) Inc.
319 Sherman avenue
North Hamilton, ON
L8N 3R5

Détails de la décision

This application was withdrawn by the applicant on March 28, 2018.

Commentaires reçus

Par l'entremise du registre


Par courriel


Par la poste

Consulter les commentaires soumis par l'entremise du registre

Effets de la consultation

The comments submitted through the registry posting did not effect the decision to cancel the application.

Documents justificatifs

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Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.

Hamilton District Office

119 King Street West
Floor 9
Hamilton, ON
L8P 4Y7

Office phone number
Client Services and Permissions Branch

135 St Clair Ave West
1st Floor
Toronto, ON
M4V 1P5

Office phone number

How to Appeal

Appeals are not allowed

There is no leave to appeal. This application was withdrawn by the applicant.

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Suivre cet avis

Proposition initiale

Numéro du REO
Numéro de référence du ministère
Type d'avis
Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990
Affiché par
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Proposition affichée

Période de consultation

30 octobre 2015 - 14 décembre 2015 (45 days)

Détails de la proposition

Description of instrument

This proposal is for an Environmental Compliance Approval with Limited Operational Flexibility (Air & Noise) which replaces all the current Environmental Compliance Approvals for Air and will include the addition of new or historically unapproved sources for all emissions from Hamilton Specialty Bar (2007) Inc., a specialty steel mini-mill, located in the City of Hamilton, Ontario.

The application includes all sources at the facility including electric arc furnace, baghouses, emergency diesel generators, preheaters, furnaces, dryers, unit heaters, grinders, boilers, hot water heaters, chemical storage, diesel pumps, wet scrubbers, fume hoods, abrasive saws, maintenance welding, aspirators, slag processing, comfort heating equipment, and any other equipment and ancillary and support processes and activities.

Emissions to the atmosphere from this facility include particulate matter, metals, products of combustion, and dioxin and furans.

The Environmental Compliance Approval with Limited Operational Flexibility (Air) requires that the company demonstrate compliance on an ongoing basis with Ontario Regulation 419/05, applicable Ministry Guidelines for Air and Noise and other performance requirements as specified in their conditions. It permits modifications such as process changes, de-bottlenecking or addition of new equipment subject to limits on operational flexibility that include a production limit for the facility to be specified on the Environmental Compliance Approval with Limited Operational Flexibility (Air).

The limited operational flexibility conditions have an expiry date. The company will be required to make application for amendment at that time to renew these conditions. Of specific public interest, one condition that will be included on the Environmental Compliance Approval with Limited Operational Flexibility (Air) will require the company to make available, at all times, at the facility for inspection by interested members of the Public, a table (Emission Summary Table) that documents the facility's compliance with Ontario Regulation 419/05.

Documents justificatifs

Consulter les documents en personne

Certains documents justificatifs peuvent ne pas être accessibles en ligne. Si tel est le cas, vous pouvez demander à consulter les documents en personne.

Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.

Hamilton District Office

119 King Street West
Floor 9
Hamilton, ON
L8P 4Y7

Office phone number
Client Services and Permissions Branch

135 St Clair Ave West
1st Floor
Toronto, ON
M4V 1P5

Office phone number


La consultation est maintenant terminée.

Cette consultation a eu lieu 30 octobre 2015
au 14 décembre 2015

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