Cette consultation a eu lieu :
du 18 octobre 2023
au 2 décembre 2023
Résumé de la proposition
This application is for a new Environmental Compliance Approval for The Recycling Depot GP Inc. as general partner for, and on behalf of, The Recycling Depot LP, for the use and operation of a waste processing site to be used for the recycling, processing and transfer of solid non-hazardous waste.
Détails de l'emplacement
Adresse du site
529 Tiffin Street
Détails de l'emplacement du site
York1 Tiffin Recycling Facility
Carte de l'emplacement du site
L'épingle de localisation correspond à la zone approximative où a lieu l’activité environnementale.
Afficher cet emplacement sur une carte opens link in a new windowPromoteur(s)
The Recycling Depot GP Inc. as general partner for and on behalf of The Recycling Depot LP
5090 Commerce Boulevard, Suite 200
L4W 0B7
Détails de la proposition
This application is for a new Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) for The Recycling Depot GP Inc. as general partner for, and on behalf of, The Recycling Depot LP, for the use and operation of a waste processing site to be used for the recycling, processing and transfer of solid non-hazardous waste generated from residential, industrial, institutional, and commercial sectors, including construction and demolition waste and excess soil for beneficial reuse.
The waste processing is limited to:
- stockpiling
- sorting
- segregation
- compaction
The soil processing is limited to:
- segregation
- blending
- treatment with additives
The site location is 529 Tiffin Street, Barrie, ON.
The proposed waste and soil recycling, processing and transfer facility has a maximum daily receiving rate of 3,000 tonnes of solid non-hazardous waste and excess soil for beneficial reuse per day and maximum storage limits of 930 tonnes of non-hazardous waste and 3,000 tonnes of excess soil indoors 1,170 tonnes of inert materials and wood waste storage outdoors.
The waste and soil recycling, processing and transfer site is to serve the Province of Ontario. The planned hours of operation are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The proposal also includes the following:
- construction of a new processing/transfer building capable of indoor storage of all incoming mixed solid non-hazardous waste including putrescible waste/separated sorted organics and blue box recyclable materials and an office
- construction of a soil processing building/structure
- installation of a truck scale with a scale house
- addition of a public drop-off area
- construction of a swale and an engineered wetland for stormwater management
This proposal is for an ECA with Operational Flexibility with the following modifications allowed in the operational envelope:
- changes to the site configuration, including addition or relocation of scales, driveway, office building, gates, fencing or outdoor or indoor storage areas, modification of lighting or signage, altering stormwater drainage patterns, rearranging parking areas, addition, or relocation of fuel storage facilities, etc.
- modifications to the site’s operations and equipment, including but not limited to:
- installation of extra equipment such as balers, conveyors, separation equipment, grinders, etc. to mechanize the waste processing activities
- addition of storage bins to a public drop-off area
- repurposing or expansion of the waste tipping floor if it complies with municipal zoning by-laws and site plan agreement requirements
- addition and/or expansion of a new processing/transfer building
- addition of a mechanical shop building
The Environmental Compliance Approval with Operational Flexibility (waste), when issued, permits pre-determined modifications to the site’s operations without a requirement to make an application for amendment to the Environmental Compliance Approval (waste).
Documents justificatifs
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135 St Clair Ave West
1st Floor
M4V 1P5
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Client Services and Permissions Branch
135 St Clair Ave West
1st Floor
M4V 1P5
La consultation est maintenant terminée.
La période de consultation a eu lieu du 18 octobre 2023
au 2 décembre 2023