Amend the filed Closure Plan for the Bell Creek Facility site

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Numéro du REO
Type d'avis
Mining Act, R.S.O. 1990
Affiché par
Ministry of Mines
Date d’affichage
Dernière mise à jour

Le présent avis est fourni à titre d’information seulement. Il n’existe aucune obligation de mener une consultation sur le Registre environnemental de l’Ontario à propos de cette initiative. Pour en savoir davantage sur le processus de consultation et les types d’avis publiés sur le registre.

Résumé de l’avis

Amend the filed Closure Plan for the Bell Creek Facility site.

On October 5, 2022 Northern Development Mines filed a certified amendment for the Bell Creek Facility site, located in in Hoyle Township in the District of Cochrane, approximately 13 kilometers northeast of Timmins, Ontario.

Pourquoi une consultation n’est pas nécessaire

Consultation was not required for this closure plan amendment as there were no infringements on Aboriginal and treaty rights identified in the review of the provided details.


The filed amendment updates the following aspects of the filed Closure Plan:

  • environmental conditions at the site
  • project description
  • rehabilitation measures
  • monitoring program
  • expected site conditions after closure, and expected costs of reclamation

The Director of Mine Rehabilitation has acknowledged receipt of the Closure Plan according to the provisions of the Mining Act. The Certified Closure Plan is now considered filed and the proponent must comply with the Closure Plan.

No comments were received through the Environmental Registry of Ontario resulting in no impact on the decision whether or not to proceed with this proposal.

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Mineral Development Office (Northeast), Ontario Government Complex

5520 Highway 101 East
PO Box 3060
South Porcupine, ON
P0N 1H0

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Andrew Persad

Phone number
Email address
Mineral Development Office (Northeast), Ontario Government Complex

5520 Highway 101 East
PO Box 3060
South Porcupine, ON
P0N 1H0

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