This is 1km from our town!…

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This is 1km from our town! Why is this even to be considered this close to our homes??Our highschool is only a good walk from this site and our citizens do not want this upon our doorstep. The constant fleet of trucks will not only ruin our roads/clog it with traffic, it will create a mass amount of noise. I am only a few streets away from this site and I can hear music when bands play in the summer at center of town (a treat to listen from my porch), so I can only imagine the damage the noise pollution from a large fleet could arise. Another issue is the folks right near the site that depend upon well water. This site will pose a threat to their safety and its not an "if" it will happen, it's very much a "when". The materials they want to bring in pose a danger to local health with its proximity to us and the nearby river is extremely important (it that connects throughout all of Chatham-Kent). This is site will undoubtedly cause issue to both humans and our wildlife (we have a variety of birds and other animals that will certainly be disturbed). Finally, the farmers need the roads relatively clear during the Tomato season for their ConAgra runs. There are a handful of farms right near this and I am very concerned for them on top of everything I have just addressed.