Most of the surrounding…

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Most of the surrounding residences, farms, etc. rely on well water from the aquifers. This is already noted as having the "highest probability of environmental impact", so WHY would this - in any ethical reason - be allowed to proceed?!?
The quarries in this area have already been impacting the environment, at a time when there is a shortage of potable water...or water in general as there are regular shortages even for irrigation. Even the "city water" in the surrounding area is deplorably poor (regularly infused with so much chlorine it's undrinkable, and destroys any filter in less than half the time it usually lasts).

Many quarries are in the position of give us an inch, and we'll...dig a big hole below the water table and pretend it's not a problem - with some equally obtuse reasoning that it's "necessary". Despite regulations/rules to the contrary, they seem to operate without interruption or consequence, except the occasional small fine which they easily brush off and carry on with the same actions they were fined for.

This is a dangerous situation that could destroy water sources for millions of people.
