I think we all know that the…

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I think we all know that the purpose of this expansion is to teach dogs how to kill wild animals. It is entirely unnecessary. Dogs can be exercised and trained perfectly well by their owners using toys, games or scented areas. What is being proposed is an excuse for people who fancy themselves as big game hunters to go out and slaughter. Because the wild animals will die, either being run to exhaustion, or being caught and pulled apart. It is no way to treat a wild animal and, frankly, no way to treat a hound either. We used to see these dogs when I was growing up, out in the woods, not adequately fed, harnessed so that they couldn’t raise their heads properly. It was cruel then and it is cruel now.
When places like the UK are outlawing hare coursing and fox hunting, why take such a regressive step to appease a few guys who like guns?