The Ontario Farmland Trust…

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Ontario Farmland Trust

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The Ontario Farmland Trust believes that the Central Pickering Development Plan should not be revoked.

The Central Pickering Development Plan (the Plan) was created to guide planning in the creation of a sustainable urban community in Seaton, and to aid in the integration of this community with the agricultural community in the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve. The establishment of such a preserve was ground-breaking, and is still unique within the province.
While the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve lands are protected with easements, it is still important to consider the greater regional agricultural system they belong to. In order for farmlands to remain part of an economically viable farming operation, it is critical that they are part of a larger base of connected farmland. This can allow farmers to travel from one farm to another with farm equipment safely, for both the farmers and the other people that are on the road. Permanent protection of this large block of land provides area farmers the opportunity to expand their operations through access to an inventory of Class 1 farmland that is secure.

Commitment to the protection of the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve adheres to the Haudenosaunee philosophy that the decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future.

So far, as noted in the Province’s proposal, the plan has been “successful in achieving its objective”, and has helped protect ample natural habitat in the plan area as well. As such, it is not clear why the Province is seeking to revoke such a successful piece of land use planning policy.
OFT urges the Province to reconsider the revocation of the Central Pickering Development Plan, and instead, to take this opportunity to reinforce the local agricultural system and economy and protect this resource for future generations.


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