Mark Hall,
Is it not the job of our government to take care of it’s people? There is very little we as individuals can do to actually take care of our environment. Of course we can take all the small actions we can take to lessen our footprint, but at the end of the day, the biggest footprint I could make would pale in comparison to that of industry. The only ones who can do anything are those in power. Those like you. Time and time again those in power put big companies, put money, ahead of the health of the planet we all live on. I ask again, is it not supposed to be your job to do what is best for all of us? All the economic growth and development in the world will be of no use if those in power continue to turn a blind eye to companies who harm our environment. Flag Resources does not seem to care when they leave cables and machinery at their sites. Do you? Will you let this company disrupt the old growth forest that 20 years ago the government decided was important to preserve? Back then, and again in 2012, they clearly understood the importance of preserving this area, what has changed? These companies have shown time and time again to have ne respect for the land they work on, and the government has shown that they do not keep these companies accountable. It is time for a change.
Soumis le 9 septembre 2020 10:21 PM
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Mark Hall - Mineral exploration permit
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