Section 1.0: IntroPage 5: …

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Norton Engineering

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Section 1.0: IntroPage 5: "Up to date version" reference.

I recommend, based on OBC, that refer to a specific year, or use a general comment (you could say, e.g., "as in force as of December 2020"). See screenshot attached.: if you say, based on latest version, you need to keep track of changes in all reference documents, and re-publish your standards very regularly. The OBC just references an edition of background references and guys, without having to learn every change in every external document, just to design a sewer.

Section Please add " ...causes an adverse discharge, including CSOs, to the natural environment...".

This will preclude allowing more than leak-acceptable infrastructure to be accepted by the municipality. I/I in a separated sewer that eventually joins a combined sewer (like most of our old cities), is having a direct, 1:1 impact on CSOs. Lots of new, leaky subdivisions being built on the mountain in Hamilton. Water ends up flooding the downtown.

Section 1.2.1: please add, "...conditions (including groundwater elevations), as identified by...

This will help reinforce the modern design requirements that we need to design to conditions.

Section 1.2.5: please remove, "containing valves, monitoring devices or other such appurtenances". We want all sewers in flood and high gwt areas to be above GWT. Also remove the word "chamber" in this section, it is rare in sani and redundant.

Same idea for 1.2.6: change first sentence to "If sewers and maintenance holes..."

More to come by separate comment.

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