As a local scientist…

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As a local scientist researching brain cancer, I am gravely concerned by the proposal put forth by St. Marys Cement to burn garbage. Heavy metals, fine particulate matter, dioxins and furans have been linked to cancer (including brain cancer) and other diseases. Increasing levels of these substances in the air through the burning of garbage will further endanger the health and well-being of local residents, which is already at risk due to production of these toxins by the Durham incinerator and the current operations of St. Marys Cement. The air of Durham region cannot handle any more pollution – the brown haze over Bowmanville can be seen from all areas of Clarington. As a researcher, I also find it extremely concerning that such little testing has been conducted. Analysis of one blend of fuel in one trial is simply inadequate and unacceptable. In the scientific community, it is well known that, at minimum, three independent trials be conducted before any conclusion be drawn. I hope that the Ministry will follow up with these concerns and chooses to protect the health and safety of the people of Ontario. Burning garbage is not a ‘green’ solution and will endanger the health of citizens. Thank you.