Dear Mr. Ballantine: RE:…


Dear Mr. Ballantine:
RE: Submission Related to ERO 019-1406

First the Region would like to thank the Province for listening to the municipalities previous
comments and making some positive changes to the proposed regulatory matters related
to Bill 108 and Bill 138. Halton Region welcomes the opportunity to participate in the
Ministry of Affairs and Housing’s request for input regarding the proposed regulatory
matters pertaining to Community Benefits Authority under the Planning Act, the
Development Charges Act and the Building Code Act (ERO-019-1406). Bill 108 and its
proposed regulations will significantly impact how the Region delivers its services and its
ability to recover the cost of such services. It is still not clear whether or how these
changes address the Province’s goal of advancing a greater number of housing
opportunities to market in a shorter timeframe. Many of the changes, especially in the
short-term, appear to create a larger burden on approvals, administration and constraints
on infrastructure financing required for development.

This letter and the attachments represent Halton Region’s submission to the proposed
regulatory matters pertaining to the Community Benefits Charge under Planning Act, the
Development Charges Act and the Building Code Act (ERO-019-1406) posted on the
Environmental Registry of Ontario. In addition, we have included our previous submission
which we would like to have considered as part of the final regulations. Please find
 Attachment #1: Submission related to (ERO 019-1406)
 Attachment #2: Submission related to Proposed Regulations related to Bill 108 –
Development Charges Act (ERO-019-0184) and section 37 of the Planning Act
(ERO 019-0183)
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our submission, the Region would be
pleased to meet to review and discuss.

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