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We represent the ownership of 3156 9th Line Innisfil, legally described as Pt S 1/2 Lt 9 Conc 9 Innisfil, lying east of RO374664, Pt Lot 10, Conc 9 Innisfil as in RO830189 s/t In263964 as shown in attached map. We would like this property to be included in the expansion of the Innisfil Heights Settlement boundary. The property is bordered on the west side by the Barrie Collingwood Railway Line. Given the lack of employment lands in the area having rail access it would make sense to include the subject property. The development of the property would also help to defray the costs of the rail line operation. Given that the lands bordering the rail line to the west of the subject property are being considered for the expansion and that the property to the north (although located in the City of Barrie ) is designated Industrial, including the subject property in this expansion makes good planning sense. The subject property lends itself to development as it is flat as has no environmental constraints. Thank you

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