I regularly use this…

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I regularly use this procedure as I am a Civil Engineer involved in consulting work for the design of municipal roads and servicing. I am concerned that this prcedure is getting far too restrictive. We often are involved in the reconstruction of existing municipal roads with narow right-of-ways - some of which are no more than 12m wide. To get sanitary, storm, watermain, hydro, bell and gas all within the ROW while maintaining 3m clearance to the watermain will be all but impossible (2.5 was restrictive enough), especially in a partial reconstruction, or one where there is significant mature trees present. I believe there needs to be acknowledgement of this in the procedure and allow excemptions - currently there is not. A question - has there ever been contamination of a watermain as a result of the main being too close in proximity to a sewer - I very much doubt it and believe the risk to be minimal. Consequently I am apposed to this change. Thanks John

[Original Comment ID: 122652]