Obviously the MNR has…

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Obviously the MNR has infused exactly what they want with restricting Moose Hunting opportunities. The Forest Roads and Water Crossings Initiative kept the hunters out of prime hunting areas and the moose numbers had nothing to do with it. The distance between tag holders as recommened will now make it unsafe for a larger groups made to hunt closer. I sat on the OFWAB when the MNR Enforcement wanted to change the distance to 5 Km at that time and we recommended unanimously on a better distance of more than that. Then they went to 5 km a lesser distance anyway and ignored our recommendation. Now again restrictive measures are being presented by the MNR. A predetermined outcome presented properly can and does influence the outcome of any issue, and the MNR does just that. You folks have made up your mind before and after any EBR's. I have seen it in action at the Hunting Symposium. The system in place is working and well so why change it all? If you want to truly increase the size of the herd to a more sustainable number, and who knows what that really is, then start using the tools you have. Cancel the Wolf moratorium around Algonquin Park prescribed by fictitious unfounded activists studies. The so called Eastern Gray wolf is genetically found as far south as Maine We all know the Spring Bear Hunt cancellation was really the demise of the Moose numbers and yes it's back sort of, but too late. Over 14,000 Male Bears per year not harvested since it was cancelled eat a hell of lot of Calves and Cows. Provincial statistics of other provinces regarding Moose to Bear populations show we have more Bears then Moose, go figure.
Bring back when we could shoot a Bear or Wolf on Deer and Moose Licences no charge, or tack on $10 but correct the problem at the source. The undetermined early Aboriginal Harvest needs to be part of our tool kit as well as any conservation related fish and wildlife program. Commercial harvest of any fish and wild life needs to be zero.
So I've ranted, it's one noisy seniors opinion. I am the former Access Chair on the MNR Ontario Fish and Wildlife Advisory Board 1999-2000 so I have a little incite. Wayne Uncer