Here are some of my ideas…

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I have some ideas that I believe can help with the struggling moose population:

1. You can use your Bull or Cow tag on a calf. Identifying a calf at 300 yards at dusk or dawn through grass or shrub is going to lead to accidental killings. In fear of the law, hunters may walk away from the accidental kill and still use their tag on an adult animal at a later date.

2. Until the population increases, there is no calf tags or calf season. Only accidental kills for which the hunter must use their Cow tag.

3. Fewer cow tags given out and more Bulls. A bull can impregnate several cows which will allow the continuation of a moose population. I see in many draws there are more cow tags allotted then bulls.

4. Dig up old bush roads so hunters can’t hunt from their vehicles or drive right into heavily populated moose areas. There are people that hunt from their vehicle and by headlight. This is a sad truth. If it’s not or can’t be enforced, then make it more difficult to do.

5. Make it illegal for ALL people to hunt out of season. Killing a cow that’s pregnant isn’t going to help the moose population. Also, no one should be allowed to enter moose sanctuaries to hunt.

6. Something has to be done about the wolves. Wolves kill moose and the wolf population is exploding.

7. Make it illegal for all people to sell moose meat. This is becoming a more common practice that people sell moose meat for ceremonies and PowWows. Allowing people to profit on killing moose will only lead to more kills so the hunter can make a profit. I know this is a touchy subject, and sometimes the meat is donated or gifted. From my experience, most of the time the hunter is given an “honorarium”.

8. Aerial spraying - not sure what effects it has on the population, but from my experience, the moose move on and leave the area.

9. Drones should be illegal - period! Anyone caught in the bush with a drone, their group will automatically forfeit their tags and be fined.

10. The illegal practice of killing moose for their tongues (or any body parts) for “medicinal purposes” - make ridiculous fines and/or jail time for anyone caught doing this or anyone caught in possession or transporting moose tongue. This must be stopped but sadly it is happening more and more in the North as the demand grows on the market.

11. Steeper fines for illegal moose hunting.

12. Lastly, rather than limiting the length of the hunting season, I would push it further back. It is more difficult to find moose outside or the rut and when the waterways are frozen. However a good hunter will still find them. Reducing the season will impact tourism and jobs.

I’m not saying to implement all these ideas, but they are my thoughts/ideas to help preserve and increase the moose population until it is healthy once more.