Comment ID: 194904 Having…

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Comment ID: 194904

Having just learned about the construction of this facility near my home I am more then concerned about the effects on the land , air and water. With a high stack to distribute particulates the effect on land will be broad and this certainly will damage surrounding farms and homes ( gardens). Also the air quality will also be affected by this particulate matter even with precautions taken. The other concern is the water quality of the Ottawa river. This river has had to deal with sewage discharges from several communities including the city of Ottawa . The creation of jobs by this industry will be offset by job loss in other industries located here. People are now more concerned about their health and do research on where food products are grown or made. With this in mind why would people buy products from this area with its contamination. The province has been moving in the direction of green industry so why would this government approve a heavy industry that in the past was a heavy polluter and most heavy industry are usually located far away from populated areas. I have contacted my municipal elected officials, the county representatives as well as the Federal and Provincial MPs indicating my reluctance in accepting this industry in this area. Therefore I do not want a zone change and do not want this ministry to approve this industry environmental application. Stick to the green program you have started in the province and do not accept this application. Thank you for your attention to my concerns in advance.