L’Orignal, August 25th, 2016…

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L’Orignal, August 25th, 2016. To whom it may concern, From the Stormwater management study by Colacem; 3.0 RECEIVING SYSTEM ASSESSMENT“The SWM pond captures runoff from the entire Site and was designed to provide an enhanced level of treatment as defined by the MOE Stormwater Management Planning & Design Manual, 2003 (i.e. 80% long term suspended solids removal).” Also, 4.0 PROPOSED MONITERING PROGRAM“Quaterly water monitoring of pH, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Turbidity, conductivity, and chloride, within the Charlebois Drain, upstream and downstream of the SWM pond (site) discharge location. Samples should be collected while the SWM pond is discharging.” Observations: If this SWM pond is intended to capture runoff from the entire Site, it will most likely capture dust, particulate matter emissions from both the activities on the Site (cement plant operation) and adjacent quarry (with emissions to nearly double of what they are now). This would most likely have implication of toxic matter releases directly into the Ottawa River that are not monitored by the proposed monitoring program. Apart from the 20 % releases coming from the SWM pond via the Charlebois drain will be released directly into the Ottawa River. These releases will also contain an unknown amount of other substances such as heavy metals, mercury and others toxic pollutants. Keep in mind that the Charlebois drain, which is an open creek, runs next to and in between residences that are on the river front of Bay road. So any contaminants or toxic matter is basically dumped in between two residences properties and many nearby properties. Families live there and some have kids that play in the water. Also of note, the Ottawa River has obtained a heritage designation this year…I imagine that this is to offer some form of protection to a river that is of importance for supplying fresh water to numerous communities and cities further downstream, tourism economy and for the environment. Almost all of the residents along Bay road have to filter their water, which is for the most part, taken directly from the river. Home use water filtering systems cannot remove some of the heavy metals and other pollutants that this cement plant operation will generate and that will basically be dumped into the Ottawa River. This is not counting the emissions that will come out of the smokestack with a portion of these emissions landing directly into this important source of fresh water. It also has been confirmed by the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (Dr. Paul Roumeliotis) that the area already suffers from higher than normal rates for many types of cancers. It is the responsibility of the MOE to also consider the existing health situation of the population. This cement plant project should be refused on this basis alone. Also, the area already has emissions of many toxic pollutants in the water and air because of an existing steel plant (IVACO) that already emits incredible amounts of pollutants into our environment. 10 Kg of Mercury (Hg) were released from this plant in 2015 according to the pollutants registry of Ontario. This is just one of the many pollutants that are already affecting the health of the population. This plant is only 4 km away from this cement plant proposal. Cumulative pollution effects should be considered. Considering the proximity and existing health situation of the population it seems that any additional pollutants, particle and other releases into the Ottawa River will be excessive. Our home is only two residence away from where the Charlebois drain reaches the Ottawa River. Regards, Michael Santella 1870 Bay road L’Orignal, Ontario, K0B 1K) Tel.: 613-675-2208