I am writing this objection in response to the Notice regarding the application for a Category 2,
Class A License by Giofam Investments Inc. to mine granite from a proposed quarry located on Part
of Lots 18 through 21, Concession 4, and Part Lots 19 and 20, Concession 5, in the geographic
Township of Dalton, formerly the County of Victoria, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Please
accept the following as some of the reasons for my objection.
I do not live in the City of Kawartha Lakes but I am a frequent visitor to the area and am very
impressed with the natural beauty of Dalton and Carden townships and the City of Kawartha Lakes in
general. The Monck Road was not built as a haul route and I object to Giofam Investments’ use of
this dangerous, windy road to ship the granite they plan to mine from the unspoiled wilderness in
Dalton Township . I am especially concerned about the impact of increased traffic to local
wildlife habitat. Many times while driving along the Monk road I will come across dear, turtles,
foxes…etc. While I am confident that professional drivers will be used I cannot help but think
that the increased traffic will cause more fatalities along this route.
I also understand that they plan to put their entrance in the middle of a dangerous curve and will
interfere with the farming operation which is located just to the west of their quarry site. This
is also unacceptable. Farmers feed our cities and the road in this area is already dangerous enough
without having to be aware of trucks turning on a curve in the road.
Further, the neighbour to the north of the quarry site is the Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands
Provincial Park which was created to fulfill four objectives: protection, heritage appreciation,
recreation, and tourism. None of these objectives will be met if a quarry is permitted right beside
the park, especially since the quarry property will not be fenced. This park should be buffered by
recreational, residential, or agricultural land not an open mining operation. The MNR should be
more concerned with protecting our natural resources rather than with exploiting them.
I am also concerned with the effect that this quarry will have on the Cranberry River watershed
which eventually flows into Lake Couchiching and may even affect Lake Simcoe – a lake we are all
trying desperately to save.
As I understand it the new Clean Water Act promises protection for our drinking water right at its
source. The law promises to prevent problems before they happen. If something goes wrong, people in
the Sebright area will lose one of their most important rights. This is unfair.
I have seen many birds and animals while driving through this area and I believe they should be
protected and not blasted out of their habitats. How will the MNR protect these animals? I also
note that this land is very close to the Carden Plain which has been identified as home to an
“Important Bird Area”. While the proposed site is not directly on the identified plain, I can’t
help but think that the endangered Loggerhead Shrike does not know the boundaries of this area and
may also find habitat in the area around the proposed site. I have included a link to the Carden
Plain website and ask you to review the information contained therein: Please especially review the area on the
site identified as “THREATS TO THE CARDEN PLAIN”.
The proposed quarry site is also directly in an area that has lands protected by “The Couchiching
Conservancy” (please review the attached map and website: This group is responsible for protecting
natural lands for the public benefit. I can’t help but think that this quarry is in direct
opposition to the mandate of this group as well as the public’s best interest.
I ask you to please review the information I have included in this e-mail, and then do what you
conscience must be telling you and please deny this quarry license. Approval of the license will
adversely affect or interfere with public health and safety, comfort levels, the enjoyment and
normal use the area resident’s property and will impair the quality of the natural environment.
Soumis le 16 mai 2019 11:01 AM
Commentaire sur
Giofam Investments Inc. - Issuance of a licence to remove over 20,000 tonnes of aggregate annually from a pit or a quarry
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