I strongly oppose the approval for a new ECA for this location. I am personally affected by the pollutants and odours emitted from the LUSH factory . I back onto 35 Jutland Rd. My back yard is 10ft from the building . I have made hundreds of complaints to the Ministry of the Environment , and LUSH for several years regarding the strong obnoxious odours in my neighbourhood. I am unable to go outdoors when odours are emitted and have suffered loss of enjoyment of my property. I am unable to walk my dog in the park when the strong odours are present . The odours are very uncomfortable and cause a nose burning sensation . The odour occurrences reported from my home have been reported ALL hours of both day and night. I strongly question the operating hours of this facility and their compliance with the current ECA . I have demonstrated through the evening occurrence reporting that LUSH Manufacturing Is not complying with their current ECA, Not being able to enjoy my property on weekends and after hours with lush manufacturing admitting their odours has had a big impact on how live in my home and my neighbourhood . LUSH Manufacturing has been in non compliance on many occasions at this site since they've opened their doors . I have lived in my home for over 30 years and never been affected so adversely by any manufacturing facility in this neighbourhood. It is unacceptable for such a facility to locate itself in the backyards of homes, children's playground and schools.. I trust that the Ministry of Environment will protect the residents of our neighbourhood and not issue a new ECA or expand hours of operation
Soumis le 7 mai 2019 11:01 AM
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Lush Manufacturing Ltd. - Environmental Compliance Approval (air)
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