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I am writing to you about my key concerns with this proposed bill.

● The proposed changes would roll back the protections that a previous Conservative Government enacted after the Walkerton contaminated water tragedy.
● Schedule 10 of Bill 66 would allow major new development to override the Planning Act and threaten our environment, water and democratic process.

There is no legal or environmental reason to revise the Planning Act, or to create “open-for-business” bylaws that would allow development without any public consultation or notice, or right to appeal. This goes against the public interest.

None of us want to see another tragedy like the Walkerton water crisis or the Lac Megantic train disaster happen in Ontario. We count on the Provincial Government to protect our public health and safety.

With a thriving local food movement, prime farmland needs protection, but Schedule 10 would do the very opposite. Agricultural is a major driver of the Ontario economy, particularly in Brant County where I live. Section 10 will only promote and allow sprawl which will eat into our limited agricultural land base. Sprawl is expensive, and will drive up taxes for additional infrastructure.

Brant County relies heavily upon ground water from the Grand River watershed. We need the Province to protect the watershed.

I am requesting that you protect our water, farming economy and democracy by withdrawing Schedule 5 and Schedule 10 from Bill 66.