Dear Ford government, I am…

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Dear Ford government,
I am totally and entirely opposed to Bill 66 and all it entails.
I am opposed to its whole premise starting with its name. It is NOT in any way going to restore Ontario's Competitiveness because it is so flawed in its conception and in its information. We don't want our province "open for business"; we want it to be a safe, livable, stable and environmentally sustainable place to live and do business.
I am opposed for the following reasons:
1. That the legislation exempts businesses from complying with the Clean Water Act, Greenbelt Act, Planning Act, Lake Simcoe Protection Act, Great Lakes Protection Act, the PPS and various random other pieces of legislation. These Acts have given Ontarians a safe legislative framework where cities can grow responsibly and in a safe manner. My city of Guelph is a totally groundwater dependent municipality and we need all of those protection to ensure that our supply of groundwater continues to be safe and guaranteed protection for the present and future citizens of the city.
2. That the legislation would remove protection from the Greenbelt, thus endangering the remaining precious farmland in Ontario. Farming is a business that contributes not only our food, but is one of the biggest employers and economic drivers in our province. It employs 38,000 people and contributes more than $11 billion to our economy, giving $1.7 billion in tax revenue to all levels of government. Under your proposed bill, the Greenbelt and all of our best farmland would be destroyed.
3. That the legislation would remove protection from our irreplaceable cultural heritage buildings and landscapes by removing the protection of the PPS and city Official Plan that say, "Significant built heritage resources and significant cultural landscapes shall be conserved." Those protections have been hard fought over more than 30 years and they need to stay to ensure that our precious uniquely-Ontario resources remain for future generations.
4. That the legislation would open our province to more intense sprawl - leading to more roads, traffic gridlock, loss of farmland and greatly-increased pollution.
5. That the legislation is a frontal assault on democracy by disallowing public notice, public meetings, public appeal of actions taken under its aegis. The fundamental basis of democracy is public expression of opinion and public input into government actions. This act denies the voice of the people.
6. That the legislation demonstrates your government's complete disrespect for the voters of Ontario by breaking the promise not to open up the Greenbelt to development. Obviously, Mr. Ford is a liar if he supports this legislation.
7. That the legislation threatens the health of all citizens of this province by endangering the water supply and its cleanliness, by repealing the Toxic Reduction Act that protects us from toxic chemicals. This is an unconscionable disregard of our basic needs.
8. That the legislation is based on a tissue of lies and lacks any research foundation. There is already a surplus of employment lands within existing city boundaries. There is also more than 100,000 ha. of land available for housing development within existing city boundaries. No need to encroach on or destroy the Greenbelt.
9. That the legislation is morally reprehensible because it open Ontario to the demands of wealthy developers who made large contributions to your government's election campaign -some $400,000. Yet many of the costs of their developments will be borne by local taxpayers - whose voice has been silenced by this legislation.

This legislation is morally wrong, incomplete, and very very dangerous to the citizens of Ontario. You owe us better than this. Discard it at once.

And the time for public input was woefully short. You obviously do not care what the people think.