The proposed Open for…

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The proposed Open for Business by-law will provide benefits for the development industry while exacting huge costs for the municipality and taxpayers. The Planning Act includes sensible requirements for situating new development close to existing infrastructure. This creates stronger, more resilient communities as well as preserving farmland and natural heritage. Overriding this legislation will create increased infrastructure costs to municipalities who will service new development and ultimately to the taxpayer. Potential loss of farmland will lead to food insecurity as costs escalate.

Municipalities spend a great deal of time and expertise creating Official Plans and zoning by-laws to support them. Public input in these plans allows councils to include the vision of the community and encourages citizen engagement and cooperation in achieving common goals. If these plans can be overridden, they become meaningless, and the role of citizens in a democracy is seriously undermined.

The Open for Business by-law allows exemptions to provincial policies and plans such as the Clean Water Act, Great Lakes Protection Act, Greenbelt Act, Lake Simcoe Protection Act, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act. These policies were created by governments of all political persuasions to protect the water sources, natural heritage spaces and farmland that is essential for the well-being of the citizens of this province. To ignore these plans would create economic chaos for generations and seriously impact the health and safety of Ontarians.

Please reconsider any plans to implement the Open for Business by-law.