ok this is part 2  of shed…

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ok this is part 2  of shed. 5 on reporting: I am writing to express my strong opposition to Schedule 5 of Bill 66.

The position of this government that repealing the TRA eliminates unnecessary duplication of laws is untrue and unfounded.

The TRA Does Not Duplicate CEPA; It Supplements It.

"The planning and reporting requirements of TRA are the heart of the statute and how it fills the gaps in the inadequacies of federal law (CEPA). By eliminating the TRA and its unique requirements, MECP jeopardizes both the human health and environmental protections of the statute as well as its potential economic benefits to industry in identifying where reductions in the use and creation of toxic substances may be possible."

Repealing the TRA endangers Ontario's potable water supply and puts the lives and well-being of Ontario's residents at risk.