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Hi There: Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to comment. I am very glad the Province has a tool such as the environmental registry to allow the people of Ontario to comment on things that are very important to the well being of our great Province that affect our daily lives and livelihood.

For this reason, I would like to strongly object to this proposal as I do not think it makes good sense to ignore all the procedures that have been put in place to establish where certain types of development should occur within a given municipality. To do so would be akin to shooting one's self in the foot. Who would do that unless it was by accident. When it comes to planning I would hope that we don't develop our land based on accidental circumstances. Good Planning just makes good sense. I would also hope that one would not want to approve development that would have a significant impact on the environment or our abundant clean drinking water. Why would anybody want to do that ?

Likewise I feel that most municipal councils that are elected by the people of their region would not want to use such a tool to ignore all the work and millions of dollars that have been spent to provide guidance for future development. Similarly, the people of a given region, as well as the Province, choose our elected officials based on their ability to represent our best interests. If chosen to do so this Bill and new act would eliminate public consultation. I am both surprised and offended that any Provincial government in this great Province and Country would ever want to take away the rights of the people.

Perhaps a better way to achieve what you are proposing is to allow public consultation on a given development that is proposed to sidestep the planning process. in this way the people's voice can be heard and elected officials can choose what the best thing to do is.

Please give this serious consideration before approving. Its way more than about avoiding the planning process or creating jobs it's about our basic rights as tax paying citizens. When you choose to take this away you are treading into dangerous territory. Be Careful and think about the rights of the people that elected you to office.