I oppose the new regulation…

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I oppose the new regulation under the planning act for open-for-business planning tool!

It is disturbing to me that the Ontario government under Doug Ford would try dismember the Acts that were put in place to protect the human health of our communities and ensure that the water we drink is safe and the environment is protected for our and future generations.

Your proposal for “Open-for-business by-laws” is unnecessary and redundant. There is no “red tape” which is stopping businesses from opening up shop in Ontario. Every city has designated areas for industry and plans for growth. There is no need from the province to meddle in city affairs when it comes to city planning. The biggest problem I see in your proposal for Section 10 is the huge environmental impacts it will have on our human population and wildlife. The Clean Water Act was put in place for a reason. Do you think having another Walkerton crisis is a good idea? Your so called “red tape” protects human lives by ensuring we have clean, safe water sources in Ontario and vulnerable ares in our beautiful province are protected. Keep your hands off our Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, Lake Simcoe Protection Plan, Provincial Policy Statement under the Planning Act and the Clean Water Act. The only “red tape” you’re removing is the obstacles for your Developer buddies who want to build on prime farmland and download the costs onto the cities. We know you wanted to open up the Greenbelt for them and backed off with the public outcry. Don’t think we, the people, don’t see what you’re doing.

This proposal undermines efforts to make Ontario communities more livable, sustainable and resilient. Your “Open for business by-laws” would override existing Provincial Policy Statements under the Planning Act that support active transportation, green infrastructure, affordable housing and climate resiliency. That is just irresponsible and wrong.

What I find even more alarming is that this proposal for Bill 66 would compromise transparency and public engagement. Contrary to currant legal requirements your “open-for-business by-laws” could be passed without any prior public notice, behind closed doors. This would leave communities without recourse. This would take away the voice of those living in Ontario communities. There would be no appeal options left for us. We live in our cities and should have a say in what is proposed because not all elected officials represent the whole constituency.