Re: Bill 66 The purpose of…

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Re: Bill 66

The purpose of this note is to inform you I oppose your government's Bill 66, particularly its schedule 10, and demand its rejection. Its provisions effectively undermine government policies, laws and regulations that provided a degree of protection to our natural environment, farmland and water resources, among other things. With this Bill 66 the Ford government further confirms its profoundly anti environmental and anti social character. It is right in line with the now Premier's threat to destroy the Green Belt, dismissed as "just farmer's fields". He and his government have obvious contempt for farmland, the natural environment and the future well being of the people of Ontario. And this Bill 66 schedule 10 leaves oversight of the would be law's workings to this government's own anti environmental officials.

Since hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, Bill 66 is presented as promoting economic growth and especially jobs, for the benefit of the people. This "jobs" pretext has its history: as here it would justify opening the door to accelerated environmental degradation and destruction of farmland, it has been used to justify arms sales for a genocidal war in Yemen, etc.

No, the concern of Bill 66 is not for our well being or jobs; it is for the pursuit of fast bucks on the part of the factions of the very rich to whom your government belongs.

I look forward to this Bill's demise, and that of the thinking behind it.