Dear Mr. Friesen, I want to…

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Dear Mr. Friesen,

I want to express my concern with various parts of the proposed Bill 66. To begin, I want to express that I find it concerning that so many important proposed changes are included in this big Bill, making it more difficult for the Ontario public to be well informed about what changes are being proposed.

In particular, I am concerned about the proposal to Repeal the Toxics Reduction Act, 2009. While the current government has stated that the purpose of this Bill is to reduce “red tape” and eliminate “unnecessary costs for businesses”, I am concerned at what cost the government wants to help businesses put profits over the wellbeing of Ontario citizens.

I do not consider regulations that prevent pollution, reduce the use and creation of toxic substances, require monitoring and annual reporting of toxic substances, and informing Ontarians about toxic substances to be “unnecessary red tape”. We know that business will try to eliminate costs and will pollute as much as they are allowed to. They will also obscure any contaminating “externalities” as much as possible. Strong regulations that protect our environment, keeping our air and water free from contamination and toxic substances are essential, not “unnecessary red tape”. Nor are they mere duplications of Federal regulations. In fact, the Toxics Reduction Act fills a big gap in the federal toxics regulatory regime and offers a more flexible and effective way to reduce environmental pollution.

In addition, I am concerned about the proposed planning and reporting changes under the toxics reduction program and Ontario Regulation 455/09. Given that businesses have a mandate to maximize profits for their shareholders, regulations are needed to ensure that they inform the government and the Ontario public of toxic substance use, in order to discourage their usage. Annual planning and reporting should be maintained, not eliminated. Exempting businesses or certain facilities from planning and reporting, puts the Ontario public at risk. We should not be prioritizing the profitability of businesses above the health and safety of Ontarians.

I am sure that the Ontario government can find a way to support healthy and sustainable businesses, without it being at the expense of our drinking water, our clean air, or our health and safety.

Please advise the Ministers responsible that the people of Ontario are concerned and that we want to ensure that the strongest regulations exist to protect our air, water and land from toxic substances.