STOP BILL 66! The Clean…

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The Clean Water Act, the Ontario Greenbelt Act, the Great Lakes Protection Act, the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, the Oak-ridges Moraine Act were all passed to protect us. Protect our drinking water, our green space, our resources, our health and our future.

Bill 66 must be STOPPED. Scientists have repeatedly told us that we (humankind) have only a handful of years left to make a difference. Clean drinking water is a fundamental right for us and all generations going forward. Walkerton was one small town where groundwater was contaminated. The result was that seven people died and approximately 2,300 became ill. Some of these people still suffer the effects of this and still others have died as a result of their illness. If this bill is passed who is to say that our neighborhood will not be next?

We must stand together; municipality with municipality. Municipalities that choose not to participate in the bylaw could still have a negative impact on other nearby communities. Ground water doesn't stop flowing just because there is a municipal border.

We need sustainable businesses, we need our farmers. With less farm land where will we get our food and at what cost?

Bill 66 will not provide the province with more money, more jobs. It will cost millions to clean up, if that will even be possible. It will take away green space that will be lost forever. It will undeniably cost us lives. As a grandparent that is not the planet I want to leave for my grandchildren.

