Please accept this letter into the official record as comments from Bearskin Lake First Nation on the Patriot Lithium Exploration Permit #PR-23-000327 that has been applied for regarding the Patriot Lithium Gorman Project North of Deer Lake. Bearskin Lake First Nation Chief and Council are in opposition to this permit being granted and many community members have provided comments via your online portal. We believe it necessary to submit directly to you this letter to vehemently oppose the permit and proposed work.
The Far North of Northern Ontario remains to this day largely untouched environment of which the area First Nations are custodians. It is the belief of Bearskin Lake First Nation that industry such as mining needs to be carefully deliberated before being allowed in the area. The watershed of Northern Ontario is largely connected, with the centre of it all being the Severn River along which Bearskin Lake First Nation reserve is established. Mining in the area will negatively affect all of the area waterways and open them to the possibility of contamination. The water remains our largest concern as it is the source of all life, and the pumping activity during mechanized drilling will affect that supply.
Additionally, the wildlife of the area, largely consisting of herding and migratory Species-at-Risk such as woodland caribou, would be affected by area mining and the disturbances that come from those activities. Other species which area First Nations depend on for sustenance hunting and fishing such as moose would also be displaced or disturbed by noises caused by mechanized drilling. Habitat would be lost via the clearing of surface terrain for drill pads, helicopter pads, or camp and laydown areas.
First Nation territory in the Far North is not the place for industry of this type. Our pristine lands and waterways must be protected and Bearskin Lake First Nation would like to ensure that development of this type is not allowed in the area. We appreciate your time and if you have any questions or wish to discuss this further please do not hesitate to contact the Chief and Council of Bearskin Lake.
Submitted January 19, 2024 4:40 PM
Comment on
Patriot Lithium (Canada) Inc. (10006754) - Mineral exploration permit
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