In light of climate change with all its vagaries of heat domes, warmer winters, less snow melt, now could be the time to alter the irrigation practices of the Hamilton Golf & Country Club. Perhaps the permit could be for 5 years, rather than 10, so more climate-related adjustments could be made every 5 years.
It would be prudent to take the water from the drilled wells first. In the event that they run dry, as may happen with more than 30 days with a temperature greater than 30 degrees Celsius, the Irrigation Pond and Irrigation Reservoir could be used as back-up. Their water levels may be low too as the water table dries up.
Please consider modifying the use of water for irrigation when you find that water levels everywhere are depleted. Would it be possible, please, to remove the Ancaster Creek from the water sources cited? There are fish, animals, downstream tributaries that rely on the Ancaster Creek. It is a Coldwater Creek and already that designation may falter, resulting in the loss of habitat for fish that rely on cold water such as the dace and the American eel. The Ancaster Creek needs to retain all its natural water, without some being drained off for irrigation.
Thank you very much for posting your requests and soliciting comments. This climate crisis has changed all our 'norms'.
Submitted April 18, 2023 8:12 PM
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The Hamilton Golf and Country Club Limited operating as Hamilton Golf and Country Club - Permit to take water
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