First it strikes me as odd that the proponent is seeking an approval for a waste solution as this late stage when a lot of the infrastructure for this development is already in place and they advertise that Phase 1 of their development is sold out. It seems very presumptuous to me or is it an indication of very poor planning.
The Eagle’s Rest development is situated in the middle of the Oro Moraine an extremely sensitive ecological area that contains many significant groundwater recharge areas. I do not understand why the Township of Oro-Medonte continues to approve large scale developments on the Oro Moraine – but that is not the point of this comment.
In addition to this being an extremely ecologically sensitive the residents of Oro-Medonte rely almost exclusively from water sourced from artesian wells contained beneath the moraine for their sustenance. Because of this it is extremely important that any decisions relating to development of the moraine be well thought out, be well executed, err on the side of over protection of the environment and that there be proof that the solution is viable and can be sustained in the long term.
The proposal is portrayed as a privately owned and operated waste facility to service the 208 homes to be constructed in the Eagle’s Rest development. I have confirmed with the planning department of the Township of Oro-Medonte that it will be a privately owned and operated wastewater facility.
As noted on page 7 of the Azimuth report the exfiltration lagoon is located “alongside the north property boundary” next to the property boundary, which potentially means overflow or seepage from the lagoon could spill onto neighbouring properties causing damage. I would think proper design of the lagoon should provide for a significant buffer from neighbouring properties, so any spill over overflow can be contained to the proponent’s property to minimize the potential of property damage to neighbouring properties.
However, my bigger concern about this proposal relates to the financial ability of the proponent to operate and maintain this facility in the long term and its ability to financially deal with a significant failure or environmental contamination down the road. So although this proposal may meet the requirements for Environmental Compliance Approval today (a point in time) - what comfort is provided that the proponent has the financial resources to meet its monitoring, maintenance, repair and deal with issues 10, 20 or 30 years down the road? Is there a requirement that all costs relating to this system are borne by the proponent and/or the property owners in Eagle’s Rest in this through their sewage charges or by means of special assessments? Without this requirement I fear the cost of operating and maintaining and ensuring environmental safety and compliance may eventually fall back on the Township and its ratepayers.
Submitted March 29, 2023 8:22 AM
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Eagles Rest Estates Inc. - Environmental Compliance Approval (sewage)
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