There are numerous PTTW in this area. This is Vaughan's new downtown, the Vaughan Metropolitan Center that has been approved with significant density in York Region's Official Plan recenlty approved by Minister Clark. There are two highly localized specific changes made that would influence development upstream and downstream. The Minister did not consult with the Region, Municipalitiy or TRCA prior to making these decisions so it is unclear if any concerns surrounding storm water and w/w capacity could have been addressed in any meaninful way. One is upstream and proposes a realingment of Black Creek (see Itesm 14 - 4.2.33, 75 of the decision) and the other downstream TOC (Item 79 iv). See:…
I find it concerning that a PTTW was approved in Nov, 2022 (Permit No. 4025-CL9RYP, see: to extract up to 2.42M l/d and only a few short weeks later this permit to extract up to 1M L/D for 5 years is now being considered. This is a category 3 permit, the highest risk. The already approved permit does not clearly state what sewer system (sanitary or storm) they are planning to discharge to, nor does this proposal provide any details on how the water extracted, will be discharged and treated? Given the state of, or lack thereof, of stormwater infrastructure in the Black Creek sub-watershed and the surrounding floodplain I hope that MECP has ensured that any permits approved in this area that are discharged to storm do not take up flood capacity? I hope that TRCA has been consulted and feedback adequately considered by MECP prior to any further permit approvals. As well as the local municipalities who ultimately have to manage the water extracted and then discharged either to the storm or sanitary sewer systems.
Submitted December 31, 2022 11:26 AM
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First Vaughan Investments Limited and SmartVMC West Inc. - Permit to take water
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