The site located at 84 Smelter Road , City of Greater Sudbury, District of Sudbury, is not Zoned for the land use as a Waste Disposal Site- transfer and processing Facility under the current Zoning By-law 2010- 100Z.
“ Waste Transfer Site “ is a defined use Under the Zoning By-law but not permitted as of right in any zone.
The Land Use as a “ Waste Transfer Site “ would require a Site Specific application for a Re-Zoning to allow for it to operate at 84 Smelter Road.
Further, the land use is in non-compliance with provisions within our Waste Management By-law… please see Section 27 on Page 26.
The application proposes the acceptance and transfer of waste from anywhere in Ontario. The proposal does not clearly indicate the disposal sites for waste or residual material or the processing facilities and end markets for processed material. The supporting documentation in Appendix C (correspondence and quotes with douro roofing) submitted with the application suggests disposal at the Sudbury Landfill site.
The City of Greater Sudbury would object to any proposal that sees divertible waste or waste from outside the City boundaries being disposed at it's landfill and waste diversion sites, waste transfer sites or material recovery facility for blue box materials without express written permission from the City. Notably, the City of Greater Sudbury's landfill site ECAs do not permit the acceptance of waste from outside the City of Greater Sudbury with the exception of the Sudbury landfill which also permits the acceptance of waste from Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and Wahnapitae First Nation.
Public notification consists mostly of neighboring businesses at the location of the site at 84 Smelter Rd in Coniston.
Submitted December 23, 2022 3:24 PM
Comment on
GFL Environmental Inc. - Environmental Compliance Approval (waste)
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