Client Services and Permissions Branch
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
135 St Clair Ave West, 1st Floor Toronto, ON M4V 1P5
Dear Sir/Madam:
RE: ECA Application – Tomlinson’s Proposed Asphalt Plant (Napanee Quarry)
ERO No. 019-5565
Keep Napanee Great is a local group that focuses on maintaining a strong quality of life in Greater Napanee. We have a list of over 3000 signatures and our Town Council voted unanimously against Tomlinson's application for re-zoning for this plant.
We are writing to express our strong opposition to an Environmental Compliance Approval for a hot mix asphalt plant that R.W. Tomlinson Ltd. proposes to build and operate at 8205 County Road 2 in the Town of Greater Napanee.
We are especially concerned that:
There is a permit at the location for two quarries to already be in operation. The cumulative factor of both quarries, and the possibility for a permanent asphalt plant and a mobile concrete batching plant is a big concerns for many residents of Greater Napanee.
The residents and the Town have spoken. They do not want a plant at this location. There are multiple residents within close proximity to the proposed site and their quality of life has already been affected by the ongoing quarry operations by dust, smells, noise and traffic.
The location close to residents, parks, and our downtown core may release chemicals and smells that affect the reasonable enjoyment of our space.
Napanee resides in a River Valley. The computer model used to predict air pollution is concerning at best as it does not include real-time assessment.
The proposed plant would sit on top of Limestone, which is very porous. If it is powered by oil, what is being done to prevent leaks and test for ground contamination. The Napanee River waterfall is also nearby. If the waterfall helps act as a scrubber, what is the possible impact on the water?
There is nothing mentioned about the permanent Concrete Batching Plant that Tomlinson has also proposed for the area. How
We believe that the approval of this plant will lead to an uncertain future for many of the residents of Greater Napanee. We ask that the Ministry refuse to issue an Environmental Compliance Approval.
Keep Napanee Great
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Submitted August 19, 2022 12:50 PM
Comment on
R. W. Tomlinson Limited - Environmental Compliance Approval (air)
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