This particular water taking application is for a construction build on the Port Elgin sand beach, on the Lake Huron shoreline in the community of Saugeen Shores. The Port Elgin beach is a gem of the community and has public washrooms, an active harbour and 2 restaurants. The park open space has great value to the community to remain as open space. The lake upsurges experienced during S/W storms recede fairly quickly as the sand provides good filtration and the water table is very high. Water taking in this area will cause issues to the many sand point wells in the area used for gardens and lawn irrigation. Other concerns are the number of litres of water taking required for this proposed construction, and the length of time for the water taking application. Were this project in a remote area perhaps it would be of less consequence, but the original project was proposed in the middle of the flood plain, test holes were related to the originally proposed site. The new proposed site would be best kept vacant for the magnificent view it provides all beach goers and residents. The area remaining in sand is also helpful for the environmental impact. Diversion of drainage north or south of the a proposed build will not be an advantage to the environment. The lake upsurge during S/W storms can not be protected by the long breakwall.
These concerns are my reasons for questioning the necessity of a water taking application.
Submitted March 6, 2022 11:58 PM
Comment on
2706913 Ontario Inc. - Permit to take water
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