I am a resident in close…

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I am a resident in close proximity to this Laplante property and have serious concerns on this request to extend hours of operation. For several years the residents in proximity have been dealing with odour and noise beyond acceptable living conditions, a regulation has been established that has yet to be followed consistently. I and our neighbours are not in a position to accept any further extensions to the operating hours and specially for tractor or refrigeration truck operation through the night. The township has bylaws to protect it's citizens and any increase in noise or hours of operation that noise can occur is in violation of this bylaw. It is beyond my understanding how the regulations can be ignored by the offender and they can continue operation at the expense of the surrounding environment. Why do we have rules if they can be bent, broken and ignored without consequence ? The 1min/hr of truck operation is a joke, the waste removal truck dropping the container is a bomb sounding rumble, not appropriate for night time. And the waste pick up by Lamoureux Pumping takes over 30 minutes and is a significantly loud whinning pump. Also not acceptable for night time. All the requirements of operating a slaughter house should have been planned out and executed by following the regulation from the start. Laplante made an investment in making profit over meeting the regulations, this should not fall on the shoulders of local residents, we had enough excuses, its time to operate within the regs or not at all.