My concerns are as follows:
1. Based on the aerial photograph of the site, it appears that spreading is localized to only a few locations with the discharge being concentrated in a linear pattern, potentially oversaturating the spread field.
2. As such, has there been any studies completed related to the potential impact to nearby surface water bodies and groundwater. Will conditions for monitoring be a component of the ECA, and if so, what would the monitoring consist of?
3. It is understood that while the spreading field has been used in the past by Cake Septic. Are there any restrictions on the new "operator" for the field, or will this site continue to be used as before with the same conditions? Will the new operator of the site be required to re-register the site under their operating license?
Submitted September 10, 2021 10:01 PM
Comment on
Marcus Russell Griffin - Environmental Compliance Approval (waste)
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